Advertising Information and "How To"

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New Member
Fort Worth, TX
Interested in advertising on

Not only will your link or banner be displayed on our site for our members to see and click on, you will also be supporting the site by helping defray the costs of the bandwidth, web space, and programs we need to make GeckoForums such a user friendly, top of the line website!

We currently offer our members three advertising options:

-468 x 60 rotating banner ad, which is displayed in the top right hand corner of every page

-125 x 600 rotating banner, which is displayed in the right side column on every page.

-Site Sponsor banner, which is a 150 x 30 banner linked to your website that is displayed at the top of each page directly below the header menu. The
ads will randomly rotate spots per a page load in your browser.

The following payment options are available for 468 x 60 banner ads:

Monthly - $40
3 Months - $75
6 Months - $125
1 Year - $200

The following payment options are available for 125 x 600 banner ads:

1 Month - $55
3 Months - $100
6 Months - $175
1 Year - $300

Site Sponsor banners (the smaller 150 x 30 banners at the top of each page under the menu) are offered for an annual fee of $150. Please also note that site sponsor banners may be limited (to an "X" amount) at some point if a large number of users wish to sign up.

To advertise on GeckoForums you will need to complete the following steps:

1. Go to and choose the advertising option of your choice.

2. For banner advertising, email us a copy of your 468 x 60 or 125 x 600 .jpg or .gif banner and the url of the website you want the banner linked to.

For a Site Sponsor banner link, email us your 150 x 30 banner and the link to the website you want the banner linked to.

Emails should be sent to:
[email protected]

Your banner ad and/or site sponsor banner will be up and running within 24 hours.

Please email [email protected] with any questions.

Thank you for supporting
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