completly understanding the morphs..


New Member
hello:) im new in this forum and in the leopard gecko's world in general. i bought from a small breeder two geckos at start hypo leopard carrot tail het tremper and a tremper albino, he didn't follow who is the mother of which one so they may be giants ( or one of them) and maybe het jungle.
after a while i decided to buy another two leopards from him, i bought them from the same group, i didnt fully understood, but he said that their both is from SHTCTB i dont see the baldy in them.. one was born patternless, the other was born a jungle and lost his pattern over the time, i wanted to know what do you think of them, i know they are not big, he wasnt home alot to feed them so they didnt grew too well with his mothers care... i want to understand what is the patternless he mantiond, because i saw murphy patternless and it isnt similar, he said that it came from combining jungles and creating stripe and that it becomes patternless, is it true ? is that how it works? what is the reason they have this stripe along the back? and i just wanted to know what do you think about them in general, and just saing again, they are from the same group so they may be giants and they are tremper as well, so hypothetically if they all match for each other ( being males and females in the right combinations) what whould you recommend breeding in the future ? thanks alot for your support, and im really sorry for the long background :sad3:
so this is the patternless tremepr :

these are links for the pics im not really sure if it will work
Siz - ????? ?????? | ????? ??????
Siz - ????? ?????? | ????? ??????

and this is the jungle thatbecamekindof patternless for some reason.. :

another link
Siz - ????? ?????? | ????? ??????
if somone thinks of anything he can tell me about the background of these morphs or why does it looks the way it looks it will be great, thank you sooo much !


Well-Known Member
Massachusetts, United States
By patternless, he was describing Patternless Stripe, which is what happens when a gecko is displaying both stripe and reverse stripe at the same time. You can get patternless stripe when breeding different stripes and/or jungles together.

The Jungle became patternless over time because they are Super Hypo, which makes their markings fade as they grow older.

They still have faint head markings, but those may continue to fade as well. Baldy means the head markings are faint or completely gone, as a gecko would normally have darker spots on the head, just like these do on their tails.

Overall, these guys look pretty healthy. They aren't very bright tangerine, and the carrot tail is pretty small, so you could breed to improve those traits by choosing the ones that look best. All the genetics in your group work well together. I probably wouldn't breed the Tremper, as everyone else seems to have hypo and carrot tail. If you breed those traits to a gecko that isn't hypo or carrot tail, you end up diluting them and having mixed results. I say keep them for a year or two on the right diet and see which look the best when they are fully mature.
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New Member
thank you for the detailed comment :) one more thing i wanted to ask, this is my tremper albino and the question is what is this line on his back? he has 3 actually(the third is on the other side) , not very clear but are there. is it because of its morph? a normal line because of its body structure or i dony know what :p and is he is a normal-regular tremper right? :)


Staff member
Somerville, MA
The stripe on the back is called a "dorsal stripe". "dorsal" means "back". It's just the dividing line between the 2 halves of the gecko's back and in some geckos there is a visible white mark like in yours. Yes, he's a normal looking regular Tremper.
(Baruch haBa)


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