What to add for breeding?


New Member
My son (12years old) and I have recently decided to start breeding Leo's. We have always had pet lizards, snakes, saltwater fish and other animals but have never bred any of them. We recently purchased a giant pastel raptor male and a giant female bandit (from ember gecko) To our surprise the female was gravid and layed eggs the very night we brought them home. This sparked an interest that is turning towards obsession for both my son and I. It seems that the combination of raptor x bandit is not one likely to yield anything of much value. This is primarily a learning experience but it would still be nice to try to produce something super cool. If we do nothing but lose money as long as my son enjoys and learns from the project it will be a big win, but why not try to do something cool?

so my question is given the two we have (raptor male and bandit female) what would you guys look to add? Raptor females or mack snow females would be not too expensive options. A red stripe female might be a fun addition. W/Y either male or female would be cool. As far as what to breed with my bandit gal, would you guys just get a male bandit and try to work towards making better and better bandits? I love Leo's with bold markings like bandits and halloween masks is that would be cool, but I'm definitely open to suggestion. What else might make for a fun project to do with my son considering the two I have to start with.


Staff member
Somerville, MA
welcome to GF. Consider a bold stripe for the bandit female and an albino (of the same strain) or snow albino for the Raptor male.



New Member
Thanks for the suggestion. What do you like better about the tremor albino pairing than pairing with another raptor? Any and all info is appreciated.


New Member
Damn that's unfortunate. I'll have to keep a close eye on them. They seem healthy but it definitely raises concerns about their genes...have others experienced similar issues? I bought the geckos from a friend locally who purchased them from ember gecko. I definitely wondered about the pastel raptor. It is a beautiful raptor boy but don't see a lot of "pastel". To be fair, I don't see a ton of "pastel" in most of the adult pastel raptors I have seen pictures of, and may just not know what to look for. I am new to this and have been doing a ton of research but still have a lot to learn. The female laid eggs right after we got her home (I didn't know she was gravid) so we will see what is produced, and hopefully everyone will be helpful. I spent decent money on these two so it would be a bummer if I couldn't breed them...they are very pretty and seem active/healthy...


Staff member
Somerville, MA
Thanks for the suggestion. What do you like better about the tremor albino pairing than pairing with another raptor? Any and all info is appreciated.

Pairing with a Raptor is fine too. I was just thinking generic Tremper, but not to say it's more preferable than a Raptor. It's just a question of what you want to produce.


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