husbandry and care


New Member
North Carolina
I see a lot of different Ways people care for there Leos, Whether it be in a rack or in a tank on a shelf. So I would like to see if I can pick out and ideal set up for Leopard Geckos I'm try to achieve this by asking some simple question and I'm hoping to help others like myself who are up and coming and want to find the best way to care for them.

What is the ideal set up for your or my Leopard Gecko? It's a simple question that a lot of people answer differently.

I keep my Leos on a rack i found that hold 4 Rubbermaid containers, not sure of size but they have plenty of room. In the container i keep it simple. I have no substrait of any kind I do not have anything on the bottom either. I also keep a food dish witch I keep vitamins and calcium in at all times. And I have a moist hide they I spray all the time at least once a day and they stay in there a lot. I do not have a water bowl in there reason being they knock it over all the time and moist hide helps with getting water. But if you point me to a good water bowl nothing fancy I would love to add it in there.

But that's just me so I ask whats a good tank set up? I guess that would depend on what you would like it to look like Those are all over the net I have seen to many bad things come from having substright so I don't have any. But whats some nice water bowls and hides for those that would like a nice tank set up.

Ill end this on cleaning and Husbandry. Some time people get busy and forget to clean and what not but I like to set aside once a week normally every Sunday to clean the bins very well and wash all food bowls and weigh them and look them over good to make sure they are in good health. I work a part time job so I am able to spend more time with my Leos than those that say work a full time job.

With this addition whats a good way to clean your bins and tanks? What do you use to clean with? Is it soap and water? what kind of soap? things like that.

Im hoping to make a nice care sheet I have also made a similar post dealing with feeding and feeders I'll try to make one in a few days with answers and hopefully a care sheet.

Neon Aurora

New Member
New Mexico
My strongest opinion is that leos are better off housed alone. I house mine in 16 qt tubs on a rack system, no substrate. I provide humid and warm hide, water dish, and food bowl. My juveniles and laying females get access to pure calcium at all times and I dust with Repashy Calcium Plus every feeding for all my leos. They are all weighed weekly and I keep an Excel sheet to see trends. For water dish I used a soldering iron to cut left over mealworm cups (I've collected so many over the years before I started breeding my own mealies) so that they are maybe between 1-4 an 1-2 inch high. Mine never knock these over and they were totally recycled.

I've found the best method for cleaning to be putting an isopropyl alcohol solution in a spray bottle. I don't measure it exactly, but I'm thinking it's about 1/5 full of 91% alcohol. I'm careful to label the spray bottle "alcohol solution" so I (or anyone else) don't mistakenly use it for misting or filling water dishes. I remove the gecko from its tub and spray the whole thing and let it sit for 30 seconds. While I'm letting it sit, I spray the water and fool bowl and clean out the humid hide. I then rinse everything with water and wipe down with a towel and put gecko back. It's very time efficient and totally eliminates all smell and I've never had any sort of problem.

Just my two cents.

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