Health issues?? Please help!


New Member
About my Leo:
- Sex. I don't know, as my Leo is a juvenile
- Age & Weight. About 5 months old. Last weighed (about 2 weeks ago) 22 grams
- How long have you owned your leo. Since the beginning of August
- Where was he/she obtained (ex. Pet store, breeder, wild caught, friend) Breeder, Snakes at Sunset

A) Health/History
- How often do you handle your leo. I handle my Leo every once in a while, as he/she is young and very excitable. Maybe 3 or 4 times a week hold him/her for a little while and let it explore me
- Is your leo acting any different today? If so how does he/she normally act which differs from now. Acting completely normal.
- Has he/she had any problems in the past, if so please describe. He/she has NEVER had any health issues
B) Fecals
- Describe (look any different than normal) Look just like always, not to big, not to small, sometimes have a worm undigested in it, but mostly just fecal matter.
- When was the last time he/she went. Today (not sure when exactly)
C) Problem
- Please briefly describe the problem and how long it has been going on. Every time I feed my Leo, she/he throws it all up. (not immediately, a little while later). I used to have both my leos on a staple of mealworms, I changed that about 2 months ago, and she has been fine until now.

A) Enclosure
- Size. 10 gallon
- Type (ex. glass tank). Glass tank
- Type of substrate. Tiles
- Hides, how many, what kind. 3, one moist hide on the cool side, a cool hide, and a hot hide
B) Heating
- Heat source. Undertank heater
- Cage temps (hot side, cool side) Hot side stays about 95 degrees F during the day. Cool side stays about 80
- Method of regulating heat source. Thermostat controller.
- What are you using to measure your temps. Thermostat probes
- Do you have any lights (describe) No
C) Cage mates
- How many (males, females) No cage mates.
- Describe health, or previous problems None

Describe Diet:
A) Typical diet.
- What you're feeding (how often, how much) Phoenix worms. I feed my leo usually about once a day, or once every other day (usually once a day). As much as she/he eats in about 10-15 minutes. Although tonight I fed only 20 worms because he has been throwing up, but Char still threw them all up.
- How are you feeding (hand fed, left in dish, ect) Tweezer feeding.
B) Supplements (describe how often) 2 a week with calcium and vitamin D3 powder
- What vitamin/minerals are you using (list brands) I will soon be using a vitamin/mineral powder, can't remember the name.
- What are you gut loading food with. I'm not, phoenix worms don't need to be gutloaded.

Can anyone tell me what is happening? I was feeding my Leo's Fluker's phoenix worms, but then I bought a different brand, my adult Leo has had no issue, but my young one is now throwing up all the food. Char is still going to the bathroom regularly though!! Also, when she/he throws up, most of the worms are still alive!


Staff member
Somerville, MA
Here are a few suggestions (I don't know why this is happening):
--try feeding her fewer worms and see if they stay down
--try feeding her mealworms or crickets and see if that stays down

it's possible that she's hungry and she eats them but doesn't like them. She also may be liking them too much, eating too many and then throwing everything up. Good luck with her.
If her behavior changes as well, I would recommend a reptile vet visit.



New Member
Just so you know, I changed the brand of worms I bought, and he's fine now! I don't know what it was about that specific brand, but he just kept throwing them up! Whats also weird about it was my adult was eating the same brand and she was fine. The worms were appropriately sized too... So I won't be buying that brand again... :-/

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