Feeding issue with Toon (I filled out the questionnaire!)


New Member
I haven't seen Toon eat in at least 3 or 4 days. I've been following threads covering this topic and trying not to get paranoid, but I thought I'd use the questionnaire so other members can get the whole picture and maybe tell me if I'm missing something or doing something wrong, etc.

First I want to mention that I weighed her for the first time today. She is 35 grams and about 7" long. Anyways, here's the whole thing:

About your leo:
- Sex Female (at least I'm pretty sure)
- Age & Weight Unsure of exact age; bought her in February and other forum members said they thought maybe 2 or 3 months based on her pics. She weighs 35 grams and is about 7" long
- How long have you owned your leo Since Feb. 2, 2011
- Where was he/she obtained (ex. Pet store, breeder, wild caught, friend) Chain pet store (Petco)

A) Health/History
- How often do you handle your leo 2 or 3 times per day for about 5 or 10 minutes; always in the evening after she wakes up
- Is your leo acting any different today? If so how does he/she normally act which differs from now. Doesn't seem to be acting very different lately
- Has he/she had any problems in the past, if so please describe. No health issues
B) Fecals
- Describe (look any different than normal) No difference noted; brown "log" with white tip
- When was the last time he/she went Last night
C) Problem
- Please briefly describe the problem and how long it has been going on I have not seen her eat in the last 3 or 4 days; if she is eating it's not very much because I have had to remove a lot of feeders. She has slowed down a little with the eating as she gets older but I've always seen her eat at least a few bugs every night until now. She used to poop every day, now it's every 2 or 3 days. She is also in her moist hide almost all day for the last few days, then comes out to roam the tank and bask over her UTH at night--not sure if this is anything significant or not. She used to only spend a couple hours here and there in her moist hide

A) Enclosure
- Size 15 gal, 24x12x13
- Type (ex. glass tank) Glass MartyMade front access sliding door vivarium
- Type of substrate Paper--brown paper lawn bag, specifically
- Hides, how many, what kind 2 brown Exo Terra caves, 1 on each side with an Exo Terra "snake cave" in the center for a moist hide (paper towel); all size medium
B) Heating
- Heat source UTH
- Cage temps (hot side, cool side) hot side maintained at 90 to 92 degrees; cool side is room temp of about 70 to 72
- Method of regulating heat source Zoo Med ReptiTemp 500R
- What are you using to measure your temps small black Zilla digital probe thermometer
- Do you have any lights (describe) no lights
C) Cage mates
- How many (males, females) no cage mates
- Describe health, or previous problems

Describe Diet:
A) Typical diet
- What you're feeding (how often, how much) Every night; when she was eating, she'd take maybe 4 or 5 crickets, 2 or 3 dubias, and 2 or 3 mealies, though she stopped eating mealies almost entirely about 1 and 1/2 months or so ago
- How are you feeding (hand fed, left in dish, ect) Mealies are kept in a dish; crickets and roaches are dropped in, but I occasioinally will "hand feed" her the roaches using a small cup that she can stick her head into
B) Supplements (describe how often)
- What vitamin/minerals are you using (list brands) I dust feeders with Repashy Calcium Plus(the newest formula) daily; I keep a bowl of Zoo Med ReptiCalcium w/o D3 in a bowl in the tank at all times
- What are you gut loading food with Fluker's Cricket Diet, Cricket Quencher, and Orange Cubes; dubia roaches come packaged with dry dog food (I think that's what it is, anyways--smells like it)

Anyways, any help is appreciated.
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New Member

i don't see anything in your questionaire that sticks out. I would just keep tabs on her weight, and keep offering a variety, always noting how many worms you leave in and how many are still remaining in the morning! Twigg recently went on a eat slow down, sometimes they just do that. as long as she is pooping or atleast urinating and holding her weight don't worry too much!


New Member
St. Augustine, FL
She could be at the beginning of her first ovulation. Sort of like when a preteen girl has her first .......... mood and habit changes. If this is the case, there's not a thing you can do, it passes.....


New Member
She could be at the beginning of her first ovulation. Sort of like when a preteen girl has her first .......... mood and habit changes. If this is the case, there's not a thing you can do, it passes.....

This crossed my mind, so I'm hoping it's just that. I just love my lizard baby so much and it's killing me to watch my once ravenous roach eater turn her nose up at them! :(

Thanks so much for the advice guys!


New Member
After reading your questionare - I gotta give you HUGE kudos for such wonderful care!!!!

I dont know enough to comment with any certainty but based on my own research - this sounds like something that can happen here and there and is considered normal from time to time.

Keep up careful observation for any additional change, keep us in the loop and Good Luck!

P.S. - I love reading Toon stories so I am hoping this is just you being an overly worried mom like me : )


New Member
After reading your questionare - I gotta give you HUGE kudos for such wonderful care!!!!

I dont know enough to comment with any certainty but based on my own research - this sounds like something that can happen here and there and is considered normal from time to time.

Keep up careful observation for any additional change, keep us in the loop and Good Luck!

P.S. - I love reading Toon stories so I am hoping this is just you being an overly worried mom like me : )

Aw, thank you! I strive to take optimal care of my lizard kids :) I finally saw Toon start eating again the day before yesterday. She only eats maybe 1 roach and 1 medium cricket but at least it's something!


Spotted Shadow
Western Montana
I wouldn't stress. One of my females goes off-feed in the springtime (around February-May) and doesn't eat much. If she does, it's usually once a week, if that. Her stools were fine, though, she was active, and wasn't losing too much weight. June is where she comes around, and she's eating perfectly fine now.
She's done this for the past two years that I've had her, I've just learned to not fret or worry about it. It's usually nothing serious if you're not seeing any weight loss or unusual stools.

Dog Shrink

Lost in the Lizard World
Since Eros has entered into maturity (a male) he has also slowed down his eating to eating 2-3 super worms usually 2 days a week. I was nervous at first, thought something might be wrong with him but he is doing it now consistantly so I'm just assuming it's because he got his big boy pants on now :D and decided he didn't need that much to eat since he wasn't spending all that energy on growing. As they amture eating habits change, and obviously as Laney mentioned she could be coming into her first cycle.

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