Comfort vs Functional


New Member
Blacksburg, VA
I am not going to lie, my male gecko is a bit on the retarded side. I watch helplessly sometimes as he tries over and over again to catch his superworms. The weather here is getting warmer and my geckos are finally 50+ grams and I have a couple I would like to pair up. I've read many articles and watched some videos on YouTube talking about putting females in with the male, etc., etc. My question is: My male acts all goofy when the female gets put into his tub. The females posture and seem to be receptive but he spends most of his time walking over top of her, or around her, or acting like he has no idea what to do, so should I remove the hide just so there isn't one more obstacle in his way?


Staff member
Somerville, MA
Welcome to GF! There are some geckos that, when you put them together, they just "get on with it" very efficiently. It's more common for them to either seem to ignore each other, or for the male to end up backwards, seem to lose interest partway through or otherwise not get it "right". I think the best bet is to leave them together for a few days and let him get on with it without an audience. The hide should be fine, but if nothing happens (as long as the female is ovulating) you could always consider removing it. Realize, though, that it will eliminate a possible refuge for the female if she gets tired of his efforts.



New Member
Blacksburg, VA
Thanks for the tips. I have been trying to determine if she is ovulating but looking at pictures don't help me very much. Until I've seen it a few times I think I am going to have a hard time recognizing it. I am trying though!

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