Gargoyle or Crested?



I had originally planned on getting a leo or two, but recently fell in love with Gargoyles and Cresties.
I am relatively new to geckos, but not to reptiles as I do have a corn snake.
Which would you recommend?
Or should I just stick with a Leo?
And! I was thinking about getting a Exo Terra to house geckos, would the 18x18x18 be big enough?


Oh! I do plan on housing them seperately, if you were confused. :D


Theres no way, I'd be able to choose between them they are both great. I guess it depends on how readily available they are in you're area, etc..

I like the amount of variation of looks of Cresties, really diverse! Both have great attitudes, though Gargs run alot more (as babies, though they still do jump!) than cresties (who tend to jump).


I know! It's so hard to choose. And, I don't have either available here. I was planning on going to a show in January, and checking them out.
I really love Leo's, too!
I just want one of everything. :p
Seems to me that the Leo's are a little harder to maintain than a crestie or a gargoyle.
But, I don't know. I've never kept either.
Gah, too much to decide from!!


I just got a Crested and Own a baby Leo too, I'd say the Crested's are easy to take care of, just have to remember to mist, while the Leo's are easy to moderate.
I just got my Crested today, and I held him for a minute or so before I put him into his tank, and he was really nice, he kind walked around, licked my arms and hands a lot, didn't jump unless I placed something in front of him that he could jump on, and was over all really nice and fun to hold!


Awesome! I would love to have one or two of all three, but I definitely don't have the room.
I wish they would all get along so I could have some of each in one big tank.
Haha! So much for wishful thinking.


New Member
I like my cresteds better... No particular reason.. just like them better. that exo terra would be big enough for one crested. I'd say a little bigger tank is needed for a garg. and a 10-20 long for a leopard gecko (the 20 long is better).

I'd say of the three choices, I'd pick between crested and leopard geckos. The leopards are typically more handlable, but there are some cresteds that will let you hold them. I have one that just hangs out on my shoulder, but I've had leopards to do that too. It's all in what you like.


Hmmm. Well, my mom seems to like the Leo's better and since I got the corn against her wishes, I'll probably go with what she prefers. BUT! It's such a hard choice. They're both equally amazing. Both are very diverse in color, and in the species alone. I don't know. I guess it depends which I really fall for in January at the show.
Is the Zilla Douglas Fir Bark okay for either?
If there's any suspicions it's not, I will definitely not even think twice about it. I just have about half a bag left from what the pet store gave me when I got Dexter, and I don't use it for him.
Thanks so much for all the advice, guys and gals. :D


New Member
Do not get bark for any of your geckos.. for leo get either tile, carpet, papertowl, or newspaper (I use tile)... for crested and garg either paper towl, carpet or Eco earth coco fiber. (eco earth is the best)

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