crested and gargoyle?


New Member
ok so i am setting up a naturalistic viv for a crested gecko or a gargoyle. i havent decided yet. it has ample space for two females since they can be housed together. i want to eventually get two females but due to money issues probrobly wouldnt be able to get them at the same time.

so my questions are can i intoduce 1 female crested or gargoyle into a tank and then a couple months later introduce the second and not have too many problems?

and i really like gargoyle geckos but my wife really likes crested geckos. could we put 1 female crestie with 1 female garg? and could we introduce them at seperate times?


New Member
Gargs are much more aggressive towards other species. It can be done to have multiple female gargs together but not recommended. A garg would kill a crested gecko. If you want to house more than one female in a cage I'd go with cresties. When you decide to put them together keep a close eye on them to make sure everyone is getting enough food and plenty of spaces for hiding to get away from each other.

Also you should always practice quarantine procedures. If you buy a gecko today and a gecko a month from now you should keep the new one away from your established gecko to make sure that the new one doesn't pass any diseases.

If you are planning on putting them together right away, which it sounds like, you will need to get older geckos that are sexed females. Lots to think about before you take the plunge.


New Member
Well I have a quarantine set up as I have other reptiles and try to keep parasites mites and disease and such far away from my well established herpes. I think I will probrobly go with cresteds and I was planning on buying adult proven females through a local breeder. I was just hopeing to have both but in the same tank but I would still be cool to have two creator females in a tank and have a garg beside then in a seperate tank down the road.

Are gargs agressive to people or just tank mates?


Staff member
Somerville, MA
I have heard about gargs being more aggressive and believe that, so maybe I'm just lucky. I got a female garg nearly 2 years ago and last fall got an older juvie female. I put them together after quarantine and they continue to be fine. Recently I had a "visiting" male garg in with the older one (I removed the juvie) for a month to see if breeding would happen and once again they were fine (maybe too fine, since I didn't see any breeding behavior).



New Member
I don't think I've ever heard of a garg being aggressive towards a human, but it may happen. They have similar personalities when being held to crested geckos, but just like cresties they can vary greatly from one individual animal to the next. I have some cresties that are snuggle bugs and will sit on my hand all day long and others I should get a leash for, haha!

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