Please help :'(


New Member
Northern Ireland
I was just feeding my cave geckos there and when I opened the tub one had a quarter of a tail left :'( she's dropped her tail!! Never happened to me before and it wasn't my fault! :'(

They are on coco earth brick do should I separate her and put her on damp paper towel (to keep humidity up) as I dont want it to get infected!

One more thing... I can't find the dropped tail.... Did one of them eat it?? :'(

So sad :'(

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Sophisticated Ignorance
Autotomized tails are a natural escape mechanism to help the lizard free themselves from predators in the wild, so they are not likely to get infected. That being said you should still take some precautionary steps.

Your first instinct was correct, you should seperate the gecko and keep it on a sterile substrate until the wound closes up. If you'd like, you can apply a SMALL amount of neosporin to help prevent infection, but this probably won't be needed.

This could be a sign of bullying from the other geckos, as they normally bite tails in an attempt to dominate or drive the weaker gecko away from hide spots, food dishes, etc. You should consider permanently seperating them.
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New Member
Northern Ireland
Autotomized tails are a natural escape mechanism to help the lizard free themselves from predators in the wild, so they are not likely to get infected. That being said you should still take some precautionary steps.

Your first instinct was correct, you should seperate the gecko and keep it on a sterile substrate until the wound closes up. If you'd like, you can apply a SMALL amount of neosporin to help prevent infection, but this probably won't be needed.

This could be a sign of bullying from the other geckos, as they normally bite tails in an attempt to dominate or drive the weaker gecko away from hide spots, food dishes, etc. You should consider permanently seperating them.

Thank you :) you have put my mind at rest about the infection part. I really appreciate it :) and I will consider it as I hate seeing animals get hurt/bullied :(

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