Trying to make a decision on a contract I was offered.


New Member
Clarksville, TN
I'm not shur what to do I really want to take the plunge but I didn't think I would ever be offered a contract with a pet store. It blow me away. I went in to pick up a new Tangerine and was just having a conversation about geckos and what all I have and boom he just dropped this bomb on me. He wants me to take on his colony of Tangerines. He wants me to breed them and incubate the eggs for him. The Tangs would still belong to him but be in my possession. He will be responsible for there food,supplements and medical care. I'm just doing all the work and getting payed for it. There will be a contract and layers involved to protect both parties. I needed a local store to supple anyway so its like a dream come true. It's just a lil scary for some reason and I don't know why. I have the room and the time for it. There are details that still need to be smoothed out there haven't been any details talked about yet. We need to set up a meeting hopefully next weekend to see if we can come to an agreement. I won't put me name on anything I'm not comfortable with. Any advice from some of the Big Wig's on how to approach this situation.


Ridgewood, NJ
I don't know if I've ever heard of a situation like you're describing before. I think most of the bigger breeders just breed their own animals and wholesale the babies to pet stores. If I were to take on that contract I'd probably ask for a monthly fee for keeping the adults (unless he was giving you the breeders) plus some price per baby. For me, I would rather wholesale babies rather than contract to breed someone's animals as it seems there would be several cans of worms involved that might be better left alone. For example, what would happen in the event one of them died in your care (breeding is risky!) and what would happen if they never produced anything or produced babies with issues like tail kinks or other deformities. I'd probably look up dog or horse breeding contracts as those happen more often and might have some standard ideas to pull from.


New Member
+1 your doing all the work you may as well just get your own breeders and keep all the profit


New Member
Clarksville, TN
Thanks guys and I already breed leo's. lol I get what yall are saying the same things have been going through my head. He found out I was breeding and his pet store is small. He dosen't have the room to breed them in his shop. I guess that is why he asked me about doing it for him. I don't think he has time for them either I know for a fact he breeds his own snakes. I think he has just got a lil ahead of him self and is desperate for help. I would like to help him but I'm with yall there are just to many things that can go wrong. I'm going to decline his offer and hope that he understands how bad his offer could be on me. I just hope that he dosen't get mad at me and refuse to carry my geckos. Like I said I would like to find at least one local pet store in Tn that I can supply. Thank yall this finished tipping the scale for me. Any other advice on marketing would be great tho.


Ridgewood, NJ
Why not offer him babies from your breeders at $15-20 a piece? I think that's about what wholesale geckos go for? Seems like it would be cheaper than what he would pay you to keep and breed his unless you want to pay him for the privilege...haha. For much less than $20 a month plus a fee per baby I think you would be out of pocket or at least making no profit and taking up space in your own house.


New Member
Clarksville, TN
Exactly Lisa that sounds like what I was thinking. I'm deff not paying him for me doing all the work. Lmfao I was going to start out saleing them cheap to get my name out there and build from there. Once my eggs hatch I'll start my own FB or web site. Can't put pics of babies up with out babies to take pics of. lol I just shipped my first adult leo yesterday and I'm so worried about her. I'll be so glade to hear from the bier today. How do you pack your geckos for shipping? I made shur to give her a cup that was big enough for her to do a complete turn and get comfortable. I packed foam around the cup so they couldn't shack her. I made shur her cup had plenty of ventilation as well. Thank you for your help.


Ridgewood, NJ
I pack in insulated shipping boxes with a hole or two poked in the side. I use 8 oz cups that have air holes punched in them for all but the biggest geckos with a damp paper towel in them. If it will be under 60 degrees overnight and no more than 80 during the day I add a heat pack but never put it right next to the gecko's cup to ensure they cup doesn't overheat. I also add enough newspaper or some other filler to so the cup can't move much. I use Reptiles Express and ship priority overnight so the package is guaranteed by 10:30am.

Making a facebook page is free! Never a bad idea to come up with a name and strat posting pictures of your breeders and get your name out there :)

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