Leopard Gecko Puffing Up Again!!


New Member
Spring Hill, Florida
Hey all

I've had this happen before and was not sure what it was but I managed to bathe her and massage her belly and managed to get her back to her normal size.
Now it's happening again and I am wondering if I am misfeeding her.
She has a bowl full of mealworms with oats in her terrarium at all times. I keep some oats in there so the worms can eat and stay alive.

Occasionally I take her out and hand feed her mealworms and three wax worms until she gets full and does not want anymore.

Could she be getting impacted from the oats in the bowl with the mealworms or am I feeding her too much when I hand feed her?

If I hand feed her she will eat 15 or more mealworms plus the wax worms in one sitting which I do maybe once a week if that.

Please help me if you can.


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New Member
Spring Hill, Florida
Ok so this was weird. As soon as I hit the send button for this topic I looked at my Leo and she was standing on all fours tail way in the air and she launched a squirt that flew 2 feet behind her!! Haha!
In the poo and clear urate was what looked like an white and orange colored blob. I am assuming this was what made her puff up because the puffing went down after that.

Any thoughts?

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New Member
Well leopard geckos can't usually digest plant matter let alone hardened oats. I recommend you separate the oats from the mealworms and monitor her poops from then on and see if you get these problems?

What substrate is she housed on?
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