Power outage preparation


New Member
Jacksonville NC
So as most of the east coast is under advisory for a possible hurricane or tropical storm coming in this weekend, I got to thinking about what I would do in a power outage situation. Temperatures arent too bad here right now but the storm is supposed to bring in a cold front with it so what do you guys do if youre out of power for a while? I know leos are ok for a short time without heat as long as its above 65 but how long are they ok with that? Another concern is my cresties if it doesnt actually get cold and temps are over 80, any suggestions for keeping them cool? Of course this is all hypothetical at this point, storms are almost always blown way out of proportion around here but just in case Id like to be as prepared as I can be.


Staff member
Somerville, MA
Keeping cool: put ice packs in the cages. Even without power, the freezer should keep them frozen if not opened too often

Keeping warm: leos can take low temps for a short time (possibly a few days), they'll just slow down. Don't feed them during this time. You may get somewhere by piling sleeping bags and/or blankets on the cages to keep the temps up. I guess you could always get in bed with them in deli cups and keep you all warm!



New Member
Jacksonville NC
Thank you :) Id never given much thought to storms when they came through before but this time I was like dang I have 11 heat mats and thermostats going in there and the cresties that cant get hot, what am I gonna do? cue freak out gecko mom moment haha. I doubt itll drop down very cold here eastern NC doesnt really get cold until January and even then its rare. I was more concerned about my cresties staying cool and the one very tiny baby leo I have staying warm. Im crossing my fingers it blows over and we just get the rain.


Well-Known Member
Massachusetts, United States
For heating, I bought an emergency box of reptile shipping heat packs. After spending a week without power in the middle of winter, I learned my lesson.

If we're going to get a big storm, I usually do not feed for a day or two before, just to prevent them having a belly full of food and no heat to digest it.

For cooling, if you have a basement, it may take longer for it to heat up. Aliza's advice on ice/cold packs is great too.


Active Member
Marietta, Ga
Keeping cool: put ice packs in the cages. Even without power, the freezer should keep them frozen if not opened too often

Keeping warm: leos can take low temps for a short time (possibly a few days), they'll just slow down. Don't feed them during this time. You may get somewhere by piling sleeping bags and/or blankets on the cages to keep the temps up. I guess you could always get in bed with them in deli cups and keep you all warm!


Aliza, just wondering if you keep any backup power supplies in case of an outage for your incubators? I would be real worried about eggs during an outage.

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