What do these noises mean?


New Member
Hey all!

i have a question regarding a particular noise one of my leos makes.
she's the only one out of the three that makes this noise and i'm not sure whether it's only a "communication" thing, or a sign of distress

the noise is very quiet, and sounds like a cheep, maybe a tiny wheezy chirp.
it's not a bark or any of the "angry baby" noises i've found so far
if i had to put it into a soundword, it'd be... "pheez pheez"

body language while making the noise doesn't seem agitated, though active (like when she's walking around on my shoulders, she'll nudge her nose against me and make that noise, or when i hold her up in my hand

at first, i thought it might be a sickness, because it kind of sounded like a wheeze /i/ make when i have really bad bronchitis. but she makes the noise deliberately.

any suggestions?
in a video, it says it's a happy noise, but i'm not so suuuure....
Leopard Gecko Chirping - YouTube (it sounds exactly like this)

Neon Aurora

New Member
New Mexico
Honestly hard to say. But based on what you said about body language, I don't think it's anything to be alarmed about. I'm not sure it's a "happy noise". Leopard geckos in nature have very little reason to make noise when they're happy.

Signs of respiratory illness would include lethargy and breathing with her mouth open, not eating, stuff like that. If an RI is bad enough to produce a wheeze, there would definitely be other signs.

Maybe someone else knows, but I've never heard that.

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