Scary Sounds


New Member
Between two terrariums
STUTFL was climbing all over the place the other night when it was feedin' time (he's only in a 10-gallon tank and there's a lot of stuff in there), so I thought I'd let him stretch his legs (supervised, of course).
When he made it to the kitchen floor (Geckos are FAST when they hit open ground :shocked: ). , he dropped into this cute little exaggerated stalk-swagger mode, low to the ground, big purposeful steps, slowly looking back and forth, like he does when he's cricket-hunting.
He was snapping up mealworms I tossed at him, acting rather annoyed when I made him change directions or he hit a barricade (last thing I need is a gecko hiding under the dishwasher!), but generally looked to be enjoying himself, when the fridge went on.
He just froze, then turned around and ran for the nearest wall. He wouldn't even look at the mealworms I set out. I offered my hand and he climbed in and sat while I took him "home."
This is the same reaction he has when I slide the (wire-mesh) cage lid instead of quietly lifting it off - the noises are similar, too. I've never seen him freak at any other sounds. When I talk, he just stares up at me. If I yell across the room at someone while he's near me, he doesn't notice. It's that rumbling that gets him. I don't know if it's more the sound or the actual feel of it.

Do your geckos have noises they hate, or are they calm critters? :D


New Member
Austin, TX
It's a strange sound that may or may not be being made by a preditor... which is why they jump like that.

Whenever I take the lid off Faraz cage he just starts staring up as the hand of the mealworm god (me) descends and brings wiggly things to eat.


New Member
Between two terrariums
It's a strange sound that may or may not be being made by a preditor... which is why they jump like that.

Whenever I take the lid off Faraz cage he just starts staring up as the hand of the mealworm god (me) descends and brings wiggly things to eat.
I figured, that's why I find it funny he doesn't jump at other sounds. Maybe they're out of his hearing range, or just not predator-y enough. :tongue3:

:laugh4: That sounds more like mine when I take the lid off the "right," way without grating the metal against the plastic. Though by the look on his little spotted face, I think he views me more as his servant than his god. ;)


i noticed leos r very good in smelling & hearing, they r very sensitive to voice or noises! especially a loud or sudden one! u might scared or shocked them in a way. just try to be a little slow or gentle to them. they like it this way. :D


New Member
Between two terrariums
Well, he "tastes" my hand by flicking his tongue a couple times before he crawls onto it, I guess you can't really call that "smell."

Maybe it's not being able to *see* what made the noise that makes the difference.

(by the way, love the dancing bananas Kara :laugh4: )


New Member
Well my first male gecko the one that I love the most hates me...... Anytime I come near his tank or open the cage he will sprint for his hide, when I try to hold him he will bite hard! But when my friend comes over he opens the cage grabs him and plays with him...... Guess what? Nothing!!! No running or biting! I guess its just the smell


Senior Member
East Texas
Kirsa only hides from the vac, when we are cleaning & moving things around, she high tails it for 1 of her 4 hides, I dont know how Nagini will act about it because I'm still paying for her & haven't gotten her yet :)


One of mine hides every time my daughter screams....but i tend to want to hide when she screams too, lol! :D

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