Is My Leopard Gecko Pregnant?


United States
I went to a reptile store yesterday because I was offered a swap for one of my two males for a female, so I picked a female that looked a lot like my male so it wouldn't be that big of a difference.

The man who owned the store told me she had just laid eggs recently and that she is probably carrying eggs right now. He didn't tell me when she had laid eggs or when she last bred, but he just told me how to take care of the eggs.

At the reptile store they have all of their leopard geckos in one terrarium. There are 6 females and one male.

The male breeds with the females whenever he wants, which is obvious because the females all have scars on their heads and necks.

I am sort of hoping that she is gravid because the male that could have knocked her up is a Black Pearl.

Here are some pictures of her tummy, she is very cooperative when it comes to being handled.

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New Member
Southern California
It's hard to tell from those pictures it looks more like her fat bodies. Usually when a gecko is pregnant there is a white oval on her lower right side (commonly confused with fat bodies) and a more obvious circle in her upper left abdoman above the fat body. This is usually the easiest one to see ... She could be pregnant and have small eggs forming but it's hard to tell in the pictures. Do you see any brighter pink circles in her abdoman ?


United States
I don't see any bright pink circles, but i think you are right about the pinkish-white in the lower abdomen being fat bodies. I will try to get a better picture soon, maybe i'll use a flash light so she is a bit more see through

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