Mack Snow (Male)


has a reptile dysfunction
United States
Without any hets or het Bell.

Ideally I would like a male that is of a quality that can be bred. Can be adult or young, though if young I'd like to see photos of the parents.

I would GREATLY appreciate and like to ask for (if possible) information about the gecko's parents and their morphs/genetics, whether or not you produced them (and if not, then who), the animal's hatch date, demeanor, handleability. I like to handle my animals and photograph them, and I know not all geckos take kindly to being handled willy-nilly (I've got a girl who I can do just about anything to and a girl who will bite me if I touch her chin/jawline just so. :grin2:) so I'd like to know more about the animal's personality, if possible.

You can message me via private messages. If you have a website that lists your available leopard geckos, feel free to send that my way. I ask that you provide current, clear photographs.

I can pay via paypal, presently. I am unable to do local pickup due to lack of a vehicle.
Thanks in advance.

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