Hello from VA!


New Member
What's up everyone!

My name is Cheyenne, nickname Annie. I'm a full time student in college and am working on my biotechnology degree. I had a dog named Joe that my parents and I got from a shelter when I was in second grade. He was a black lab mixed with great dane; he had passed away two years ago. In that two year gap I had no pets as my parents wanted no more. However, this past year I've been learning about leopard geckos, including from this forum right here. I'm actually allergic to pet dander, especially cats, therefore chose to pursue my passion on reptiles. Of course my mom will never ever allow a snake in the house, so leopard geckos became my number one choice.

A month ago I confronted my parents and convinced them that even though they didn't want a pet, I wanted one and that mattered a lot to me. I got a tangerine leopard gecko, Angie, a week later and she is just the sweetest although the most shyest of things. She's got a personality a lot like mine. I wish I could show a proper photo of her, however she's only begun to adventure out of her cave just three days ago and I've only been able to have her stand on my hand three times. She's very young, maybe two and a half months old I'm not sure.


(Angie on her first day with us)

Anyway, I'm very happy to be here. Everyone is so helpful and open!


Well-Known Member
Massachusetts, United States

A leopard gecko is a great choice for you right now while you're in school, as your life is apt to get quite busy at times. I'm glad you were able to convince your parents. Who knows, maybe they will enjoy your gecko as well. :)


New Member
Thanks guys!

It's all true. My mom is fascinated by Angie, however she always says that she can't understand how something so cute can eat something so disgusting, haha! She comes into my room to see her every day and loves to play games with her, such as lowering her head below the tank and seeing how Angie will try to find her.
I like how no matter how busy I can be, I can always make up some time to play with her and if anything she isn't a needy animal. I mainly just try to let her lick my hand and sometimes I'll see if she'll walk on me. I hope to pick her up one day! :)

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