New Gecko and Cricket owner

Garam Masala

New Member
Hi guys,
First time owner here, I'm from Melbourne and have a tiny marbled gecko.
Little dude is rather shy so no photos yet. Will attach one later, I found my gecko hiding in my kitchen and decided to keep him.
I am aware of the ethical implications involved in this decision, so please spare me, I've had quite the ear-bashing from a few pet shop employees already.
My enclosure is roughly 20 gallons, combinations of store brought dishes, hiding places and things to climb from outside (nothing harmful, eucalyptus etc.).

My current issue is with keeping live crickets, the smallest size at the shop is only just too big. So I've had to buy baby crickets and try to fatten them up quickly, I leave a dish with about 10 - 20 crickets each night (Only the gecko can get in and out of the dish). The left over crickets strangely are dead by morning..
Also I have a high mortality rate in my cricket containers, they have fresh carrot, which I change every day, often every two days. A dish with a mixture of gecko pellets (which I am aware, my gecko will not touch) and a bit of gut load sachet. Another dish with quite damp but not soaking cotton.

I realise the best way too keep my gecko healthy diet-wise is to keep my crickets healthy, any advise?



Staff member
Somerville, MA
Welcome to GF. (My brother lives in Melbourne). Don't worry about the pet store employees; maybe they're upset because they didn't get to sell you the gecko! Cricket mortality rate does seem high so unless you can breed them yourself, you could either buy in bulk or see if you can get some flightless fruit flies.



Well-Known Member
Massachusetts, United States

There are some other small feeders you could look into, as I agree crickets can be difficult to keep alive. I had the most success keeping mine alive in a heated enclosure (~75-85 F / 23 - 30 C).

Some other small feeders besides fruit flies are things like rice flour beetle (larva/adults) and mini mealworms (if you set up a colony, you can get access to tiny larvae sizes).

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