Recent content by e_cupcake26

  1. e_cupcake26

    Two awesome bearded dragons for sale...

    I have two bearded dragons for sale the first one is 1yrs old and 18 1/2 inches. He's a citris x hypo pastel with clear nails. He's very white in coloration with peachy undertones. I'm asking $100 for him. Purchased from sizzling Dragons. The second bearded dragon is a tangerine with lavendar...
  2. e_cupcake26

    Two awesome males for sale...

    I have a male fascio x mack snow het bell enigma that I'm looking to sell. I bought him from Albey's too Cool Reptiles, back in 09'. He doesn't have severe enigma issues but he only eats superworms. He's 2 yrs old I'm selling for $100, I paid $250 for him. He has awesome genes and a wonderful...
  3. e_cupcake26

    First encounter

    I first held a snake about two weeks ago at a reptile show, and my experience was the same. I was totally captivated. I can't wait to own one.:D:main_yes:
  4. e_cupcake26

    Child Dies After Being Strangled by Pet Python in Florida

    I think it's very sad... an extreme case of neglect for both the child and the snake's safety. But at the same time I wonder if it was also a plot of sorts. Like the man who set his house on fire to collect insurance and punish his ex wife for the divorce.(their daughter was in his house at the...
  5. e_cupcake26

    back from Hamm...

    very cool collection!!
  6. e_cupcake26

    My first leos

    I'm leaning towards LVPA because of the light yellow color and pinkish eye color. I've also noticed that VMS Herp LVPA's are more vibrant yellow than other breeders. It could be a MSLVPA, even if you got him at a pet store. There have been members on here that have found enigma's and whatnot at...
  7. e_cupcake26

    The Clutch Mate!

    OOOooo... I can't wait to see how it turns out! Very nice!!!:main_thumbsup:
  8. e_cupcake26

    A few '09 enigmas

    Very cute! I like the last baby the best! So... what are you going to do with all of those nice babies?:D
  9. e_cupcake26

    i've had my baby for about 2 weeks now...

    yes it looks like the babies grown a bit. Baldy's are suppposed to be super hypo without spotting on their heads. She is adorable!:main_yes:
  10. e_cupcake26

    Some new photos...

    Isn't it cute how they change so much? I just love snows thanx for sharing!:main_thumbsup:
  11. e_cupcake26

    another mse

    very cute! Are you trying to make a blackhole? I just love B.E.E.s and Blackholes!
  12. e_cupcake26

    Weird Head Pattern

    very pretty!
  13. e_cupcake26

    Funky Jungle MS Bell!

    Wow! Neat project, very Funkalicious!:main_thumbsup:
  14. e_cupcake26

    and I thought they were friendly...

    I was at pet** and the sales rep told me that a leo's bite wouldn't hurt because they don't have a jaw bone or teeth! I was like they sure as h*ll do have teeth! Their jaws are armed and fully loaded! :main_evilgrin: