Recent content by nater

  1. N

    The water debate

    A lot of municipalities have switched over to chloramine, which won't gas out as quickly as chlorine. Just a heads up.
  2. N

    Want to get over my fear!

    I'm with you on snakes. There's something I don't like about feeding animals higher up the evolutionary ladder to animals a couple rungs down. I'd probably be ok with an insectivore, but they're no readily available and I guess are notoriously difficult to care for. I doubt that a ball python...
  3. N

    Help me with this debate

    Ask him what possible downside there is to having a large tank. Assuming that you can still maintain a heat gradient the only real downside I can see would be if its too large an enclosure for your geckos to find their food effectively. Then ask him what the possible downsides are to too...
  4. N

    Keeping them cool?

    Make some money off the neighbors. Mow lawns, wash cars, weed, etc...
  5. N


    I myself use slackware. Your hyperbole about updating doesn't really apply with slackware. Its made to be rock solid, but doesn't hold your hand... its expected that you know how to configure everything yourself. Once its configured though, its really worry-free. No, I'm not recommending...
  6. N


    It used to be, I"m not sure if it still is. It used to just require your e-mail address to send you a free registration key. Linux is an operating system. Largely free of the sort of nasties that windows picks up, but also largely free of native games and a lot of mainstream commercial...
  7. N


    I've used that. I wouldn't consider it a replacement to a virus scanner though. I've had good luck with avast!, though it may have changed since I last used it. In your internet settings add microsoft to your trusted sites for both http and https. Now if you'll permit me to be a jerk... just...
  8. N

    My gecko seems lonely

    Don't anthropomorphize your reptiles.
  9. N

    Common web design mistakes

    Yeah, I had something along the lines of another web design mistake being that you advertise your service and pretend you're a disinterested party to it... and "quality first post, bro", but I've been kind of a jerk around here lately so I though I was pushing it on the off chance they stuck around.
  10. N

    Common web design mistakes

    Automatically playing music is almost as bad. Honestly, just do away with the music altogether. If somebody wants to listen to erasure badly enough I'm sure they can find it on youtube. Really though, I thought most people had progressed past these web design mistakes and into making all new...
  11. N

    Your Aquariums

    Thread bookmarked for when I finish my tanks (I'll post pics). Hopefully by August, the second by the same time next year. Planned: Tank 1: 70 gallon brackish tank with ghost shrimp, tadpole snails, bumblebee gobies, and figure 8 puffers. Dwarf spikerush, java moss, water sprite. I will...
  12. N

    Terrarium Help!!!

    I hope you have a second cage to keep them from breeding before the female is around 45 grams.. And I've never liked having a tank under a shelf. Its a minor annoyance but getting in to clean it and such isn't as easy.
  13. N

    Paludarium Stocking Ideas

    Tomato frogs like to burrow, and you're already shorter than I would go for an arboreal gecko like gargoyles. Also, if you're getting two geckos, you'll need a spare enclosure in case one of them gets nippy towards the other. As for housing the two separate species together, I really don't know...
  14. N

    Paludarium Stocking Ideas

    I think we're in a bit of a circular (for lack of a better term) argument. You asked for advice on what to stock, I supplied you with a list of possible (probable) problems, depending on what you stock. I can't really answer any of your hypotheticals without knowing what you're going to...
  15. N

    Paludarium Stocking Ideas

    Can you give any hints as to what you're hoping to put in there? I'll continue on as if you're planning both strictly terrestrial and strictly aquatic species cohabitating. You'd still have the same problems. That first one you posted will still get poop in the water, and will still...