Bon voyage, Neon Bells ;-)


Active Member
Southern Illinois
They're gone! I will miss them!! Sniff. They went to a really really nice person who takes them to the Hamm show for Rebecca.

Bye-bye Janesha and Mystic:





I'm jealous of them, because they get to go home to Germany, heehee. No trip home to my family this year for me; the flight's too expensive, and my university has just been on strike for a week. And when I DO get to visit for one week, maybe next summer, it is always during the semester break in July, and the Hamm show is in September, so I'll never get to go there and see or talk geckos :p My German family is totally pet-less.




New Member
Wow, great looking geckos!

Everyone keeps saying the Hamm show in Germany has grown so much the last few years, but it was always packed even years ago! I guess if I don't use it, I'll lose it- so what better place to practice my German but on geckoforums? LOL

Wunderbar geckos Chrissy! Wo wohnst du auf in Deutschland?



Active Member
Southern Illinois
Wow, great looking geckos!

Everyone keeps saying the Hamm show in Germany has grown so much the last few years, but it was always packed even years ago! I guess if I don't use it, I'll lose it- so what better place to practice my German but on geckoforums? LOL

Wunderbar geckos Chrissy! Wo wohnst du auf in Deutschland?


Oh, Sie sprechen deutsch :main_yes: :D Ich bin aus Duesseldorf.

I have also heard negative comments about the Hamm show, for example that the building has flaws; it gets too cold, and some animals die there (???). If that is the case, I am ashamed for my country. Hello, wellfare state??? When I do shows here in the U.S., the exhibition halls are always great; big, clean, ventilated, good climate, electricity, no rain through the roof....

It would be nice to have a thread where people can comment on their show experiences (maybe with some pics). What is it like in Hamm? Or in other places? Wouldn't it be cool to have a thread where members can look up venues and prices for setting up a table there? I was at shows where an 8 ft table cost $35, and at shows where the same table cost $69. Some shows offer free meal tickets with the admission price for vendors. The clientele is different, too. What are the strengths, what are the shortcomings of different places.....?



New Member
Ja, Ich habe in der Schule gerlernt! (almost 15 years ago) Being in California, I also speak conversational Spanish and Chinese on a daily basis.

Wow, $35-$69 per table? I guess everything is more expensive in California because most tables at CA reptile shows are $250 and up, often times NOT including electricity, extra chairs etc!

I think the "flaws" of the show are outweighed by the positives- including seeing rare and obscure critters that you won't ever find at any other shows! Hamm hasn't changed much, except probably the increased volume of sales coming from US breeders and it was always extremely crowded like shoulder to shoulder in every aisle!

You should definitely check it out one year!


Oh, Sie sprechen deutsch :main_yes: :D Ich bin aus Duesseldorf.

I have also heard negative comments about the Hamm show, for example that the building has flaws; it gets too cold, and some animals die there (???). If that is the case, I am ashamed for my country. Hello, wellfare state??? When I do shows here in the U.S., the exhibition halls are always great; big, clean, ventilated, good climate, electricity, no rain through the roof....

It would be nice to have a thread where people can comment on their show experiences (maybe with some pics). What is it like in Hamm? Or in other places? Wouldn't it be cool to have a thread where members can look up venues and prices for setting up a table there? I was at shows where an 8 ft table cost $35, and at shows where the same table cost $69. Some shows offer free meal tickets with the admission price for vendors. The clientele is different, too. What are the strengths, what are the shortcomings of different places.....?



lillith's leo lovables
Land of the Rain and Trees, WA
I know Germany is totally awesome, but why do they get all the good stuff?

BMWs and the Autobahn. Awesome public transit that will actually get you to the middle of die Scharzwald. Philosophers and engineers sprinkled throughout its history (invented the printing press!). Gorgeous rivers and actual castles.
And then there's the BEER, and things like rolladen and spaetzle and blaukraut and pfifferlinge (to start with). We will not discuss the pastries.

And now they get the Neons too?
I SO have deutsche-envy.

Whichever side of the pond, that is some gorgeous genetics to be blessed with.
I hope they had a perfectly uneventful, boring, and timely journey to their new destination. I can't wait to see what the lucky party gets to do with it. :main_yes:
Last edited:


Phoenix Gecko :)
Ja, Ich habe in der Schule gerlernt! (almost 15 years ago) Being in California, I also speak conversational Spanish and Chinese on a daily basis.

Wow, $35-$69 per table? I guess everything is more expensive in California because most tables at CA reptile shows are $250 and up, often times NOT including electricity, extra chairs etc!

I think the "flaws" of the show are outweighed by the positives- including seeing rare and obscure critters that you won't ever find at any other shows! Hamm hasn't changed much, except probably the increased volume of sales coming from US breeders and it was always extremely crowded like shoulder to shoulder in every aisle!

You should definitely check it out one year!


Ya in TX its about 100-250 bucks!:main_yes:


Active Member
Southern Illinois
quote: "most tables at CA reptile shows are $250 and up, often times NOT including electricity, extra chairs etc!"

Okay, I'm not complaining about table prices anymore :main_laugh:

Dragoon Gecko

Active Member
I know Germany is totally awesome, but why do they get all the good stuff?

BMWs and the Autobahn. Awesome public transit that will actually get you to the middle of die Scharzwald.

That's my home :heart:, and definitely one of the most mystic and beautiful places on earth for me to be :main_yes:..

I will for sure keep you updated on Janesha & Mystic :).
For now, I just want them to arrive safe and to grow a little more. They are almost too pretty to breed ;).

Again thank you so VERY much Chrissy for entrusting me these beauties:smitten:..

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