Het. and homo, never get them confused!!!


New Member
yesterday i had a science test and one of the questions was....

What type a mixture is soy sauce? Explain your reasoning.

i wrote down.....

soy sauce is a homogenous mixture because you can't see the different parts.

so then i am at home having tacos for dinner. my 9 year old sister asks "What is a Puente square?" I reply, "Well, it you take a dominate piece of lettuces and a recessive piece of tomato and make them have babies. All of the babies will be heterogeneous for tomato, but will look like lettuces." now i am thinking about science today, and i'm not sure why, oh well. "Now if you take 2 these babies and make babies, you will have 75% for lettuces and 25% for tomato.
25% for a homogenous lettuces, 50% for lettuces het. tomato and 25% for a homo. tomato."

now i can't think about anything but science and i go back to the question and think........

"Oh no, i got that wrong on my science test"

hahahaha, i should have not taken my mind of of geckos for once. :p :main_laugh: :p :main_laugh: :p


New Member
haha now that i think about, i don't think lettuce and tomatoes are the best examples, oh well

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