A Jungle. You can tell by the fact that it's not banded, not patternless, and not striped. Some people call geckos with a circle on the back a "Circleback" in addition That's not a morph; just a pattern. You still won't know what it is het for, though.
I would more likely call this guy a Tangerine with an aberrant pattern as it doesn't look like the bands in his tail are broken. A jungle has to have broken bands in both the body and tail. A aberrant has either or. If the tail has broken bands then I would agree with jungle but it doesn't look like it in the pic.
My first instinct was to say jungle. Although I actually thought that it was a morph. Then I thought aberrant. When she was a hatching she had bands. Every shed, she gets darker and darker. Sorry the flash makes her look lighter.