AFT tongues?


New Member
Okay this may seem weird but does anyone really know anything about an AFT geckos tongue?

Xavier is always sticking his tongue out, which I assume is his way of getting to know his surroundings but is it normal to constantly do this?

And what color are they supposed to be, I've read a light pink color. And if they are dehydrated the tip of the tongue is typically darker than the rest?

I'm just completely amused by his tongue but I was wondering if anyone has more experience is maybe explaining this behavior or what its supposed to look like. Its so hard trying to find legitimate anatomy of the AFT on the web... they always compare or group them with leos!

Share pics if you have any :)

touch 13

Kitchener, Ontario

This is my AFT Dube.
He's almost 2 years old and for a male, is a little heaftier at 44Grams.

This species is my laziest of the bunch. He hates water touching him, he loves to climb (-.- and he's lazy yes) better yet, he loves to lick.

I house other species and i think that he can smell them. all the time he's licking. The air, the water bowl, his hide. Its their sence of cordination, he's smelling what and whos around.

This is nothing to be worried about. The picture takken here was just placing the camera in the tank and setting a 5 second timer on, he just so happened to be licking, go figure.

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