Best cleaning product?


New Member
New York City
Hey guys so I've been taking care of geckos for many years now, and never had an issue with any of my gecko's tank smelling until recently. My male leo who is a very healthy eater craps a lot. His dropping's are normal but they stink up the tank a lot more than my other geckos which I believe is probably due to the fact he has much more variety in his diet (he's a pig and will eat anything that moves). I use reptile carpet which I spot clean once a week, and change out every month but there is some stinky residue on the glass underneath which reeks. Even after I clean it with hot water and soap it still kinda smells. So i'm now considering buying a cleaning solution to clean that area, and was wondering what cleaning products are safe to use and that have minimal chemical odor. Thanks

Neon Aurora

New Member
New Mexico
Personally, I find that a water and isopropyl alcohol solution in a spray bottle works very well. I don't measure exactly. I just use a small spray bottle and fill it mostly with water with just a bit of alcohol. Maybe 5-6 parts water to 1 part alcohol. I remove the gecko, pick up the poop and just spray the area with a bit of solution. Let it sit for maybe 30 seconds, wipe it away, and let it air out for a minute or two to make sure all the alcohol evaporated before putting the gecko back in.

This has worked for me for a long time, sanitizes, is inexpensive, and guarantees that there is no chemical left over without even having to rinse with water. Using this method, I can clean and sanitize all my tubs and water bowls in 5-10 minutes.


New Member
Dayton, Ohio
You can also follow the same recipe above but substitute white vinegar for the isopropyl alcohol. You may want to dilute it a bit more like 10:1, but totally effective and safe for your animals. For really stubborn spots just let it sit longer before wiping out. The smell of the vinegar will disappear as it dries and isn't too bad because it is diluted.

Hope one of these methods work for you!


New Member
Dallas, GA
I have use both methods above and they do work well. But your looking for something else that works great F-10, I think no reptile room should be without it. If you have a Melucula sale rep in your area the Sol-U-Mel and their sanitize/disinfectant works good. Yes they are 100% reptile safe, F-10 is used in vets, zoos and colleges world wide also has some other great uses when it come to reptiles or animals in general.


New Member
I use paper towels, but I stick an extra one in the spot where my gecko poops. I just change that one out every day or two, and the rest stays clean until I spill something on it.


New Member
Standish, ME
I have several rescues and many tanks. I use Chlorhexadine to clean all of them and it works wonderfully. You can buy it in jugs and then dilute it. Its fairly inexpensive and the jugs go a LONG way. I make stronger solutions for cleaning tank decorations/plants and a weaker solution in a spray bottle for sanitizing tanks and eliminating odors.

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