Crested Gecko summer heat


New Member
Hello, I have one crested gecko in a 18x18x24 bioactive enclosure. I'm worried about summer temps being high in my room, and we don't always have the AC on in my home.

I've kept the windows/blinds/curtains closed and had success with putting ice cubes on top on the mesh, and frozen water bottles seem to help a lot.

I'm still worried about high temps though. My temp gun says it's 28°C during the day and at night it doesn't get much cooler.

Has anyone tried using a ventless AC unit? Or any other ideas on how to keep her enclosure cool?


Staff member
Somerville, MA
I'm actually in the process of writing an article about crested gecko temperatures and humidity for the website I know that a lot of care sheets say 70-80 is the best temperature, and some make you feel that anything above 80 is life threatening. I live in New England, don't have AC and don't want it. It can get into the 90's in my living room on some summer days (that's Fahrenheit).I don't think 28 is so bad, but if you want to cool the enclosure, the best thing to do in my opinion is to put an ice pack inside the cage. You can even put a bottle of water (don't fill the bottle all the way to the top) in the freezer and once it freezes, put it in the gecko cage. When it gets really hot, I put the frozen bottle or ice pack in the cage during the day and put it back in the freezer at night to freeze again. If you have a basement you can also set up a temporary cage there because it will be much cooler.



Staff member
Somerville, MA
Thanks! When I had fewer crested geckos, I'd send them down to the basement (in cages!) when it got too hot but this works fine.


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