Feeding crickets question


New Member
Fort Wayne, IN
Hi! I have a question regarding whether or not you MUST feed crickets to leapords. I recently moved my 2 adults leapords into a custom made wooden cage. The only problem is, when I feed them crickets, the crickets instantly climb up the side of the tank and even settle at the top completely out of reach from my geckos. So far I've just been feeding my geckos meal worms but I feel really bad because they might not be getting enough variety in their diet!

I tried putting both of my geckos into a separate tupperware bowl with a couple of crickets but they wouldn't have any part in it, they just wanted out of the bowl! I only tried this a couple of times so maybe they would get used to it, but so far no luck.

I was wondering - are there are other types of worms I can order for my geckos that would replace crickets? What is best? Or is it just okay to feed them meal worms only? I feel like they need more of a variety and possibly crickets provide nutrition that other worms may not. I've heard of wax worms, butter worms, etc. but I know those are usually more fattening then healthy.

Any advice is welcome. Thanks!! :)


New Member
New York
You can feed a staple of mealworms, I have heard people even say mealies are better for the leos then crickets, personally I feed and reccomend a variety, all my leos get cricks but get mealies to add some variety to their diet. To solve the problem with the stupid cricks hiding, I feed my leos with feeding tongs, just simply hold the cricket with your tongs and the leos should take it, dont shove it in their faces but right in front of them. It takes longer then just dumping the cricks in but is better IMO. Also do you have a dish of mealworns in the cage?.


New Member
Fort Wayne, IN
Hi Jason,

Thanks for the reply! I do keep mealies in the cage with my leapords at all times. They eat out of their dishes very regularly. I will have to purchase a pair of tongs and try it that way - good idea! What else do you feed your geckos? Any other types of worms?



New Member
DeKalb/Wheeling IL
Kecia... what I have done (because my tank has a lot of hiding places) is drop 1 cricket at a time in front of my leo. She seems to love it. She looks up at the bag waiting for it to drop and strikes at it almost immediately. I don't put another one in until she eats the one in the tank. I love watching her hunt, so I tried this rather than giving them up completely.

Other worms.... waxworms(but only as a treat - very fatty), superworms, silkworms, pheonix worms, butter worms, etc. That is all I can think of right now, and I don't really know much about pheonix worms or butter worms.


frustrated mom
Brooklyn, New York
pheonix worms are exspensive and some leos dont like, super worms they may or may not like only my male likes the supers wax worms only as a treat ans also some leos dont like them. ill have to let you know about the butter and silkworms just ordered them gonna test them out tonight.


New Member
New York
Alwayshotroddin said:
Hi Jason,

Thanks for the reply! I do keep mealies in the cage with my leapords at all times. They eat out of their dishes very regularly. I will have to purchase a pair of tongs and try it that way - good idea! What else do you feed your geckos? Any other types of worms?

I just feed cricks and mealies, you can feed wax worms as a treat every once in awhile but not to many because they are very fattening and addicting.

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