First Gecko


New Member
A few days ago I picked this girl up from my friend. They absolutely mean well but weren't able to care for her the way she needs and as a result is very skinny and had some stuck shed. Got a good amount off so far with some soaking. She was in a roughly 20 gal tank with one unregulated heat mat on the side of the tank, on eco earth, in a 55 degree room. I currently have her in a 15 qt tub on paper towel. Heat pad on a thermostat at 90 degrees and an ambient temp of 73-75. She hasn't ate yet but just shed today so that's possibly why. She's my first Gecko but definitely makes me want more. Not super sure what her morph is. I've kept ball pythons and corn snakes before so not new to reptiles but definitely new to lizards. Ignore the boxes for hides in the tub in the background, wasn't expecting to get her so I need to pick up something nicer for her. Just threw this tub together real fast. She'll eventually have a larger tank or tub.


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Staff member
Somerville, MA
Congrats on the gecko. She's looking bright eyed, but as you say, pretty skinny. The setup sounds good. make her a humid hide (plastic container, moist eco earth, hole in the top for her to enter/exit). Hopefully she's just unfed and will start to eat and plump up. If that doesn't happen (and it's not unusual for a gecko in a new place to not eat for awhile, even if it hasn't just shed) she may need a vet appointment to test for parasites.



New Member
Congrats on the gecko. She's looking bright eyed, but as you say, pretty skinny. The setup sounds good. make her a humid hide (plastic container, moist eco earth, hole in the top for her to enter/exit). Hopefully she's just unfed and will start to eat and plump up. If that doesn't happen (and it's not unusual for a gecko in a new place to not eat for awhile, even if it hasn't just shed) she may need a vet appointment to test for parasites.

I'm guessing she wasn't eating much since she was so cold. I was freezing in the room she was kept in so I can't imagine she felt much better. She's been alot more active since I've had her on proper heat so I'm hoping I can get some weight on her soon.

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