Help please - Mediterranean House Gecko


New Member
Hello everyone,

First post here, hope I'm posting this in the right place.

I give house to two geckos of this type. I've had the first one for a few months now, a female I think. She's doing well it seems - she eats well and is on a proper and normal routine. Recently I found another house gecko which I thought was a male. I thought it'd be nice to see if they get along with each other and it looks good so far. They don't fight at all, and rarely interact with each other for that matter.

So far I've fed them with bugs and insects I found in my flat or outisde, pretty much on a daily basis. I don't know much about geckos and I'd like to generally ask what to feed them with, since this is becoming a hard mission sometimes, and it'll be a lot harder when winter comes.

Furthermore, a few days ago, I noticed the new gecko had yellowish areas on the side of her body - it turned out these were two eggs she's been carrying. She laid them today, looks like it's all safe. I figured I should eventually put the eggs somewhere else to avoid eating of the babies (???). Anyway, what I would like to ask is what to feed the babies, once they hatch.

That's my story so far :) hope to get some help here as I'm far from knowing for sure what I'm doing. Thanks for reading. Appreciated !


Staff member
Somerville, MA
I have moved your post. Welcome to GF. I don't keep house geckos so I can't give you advice but some people may be able to and you can always google "house gecko care". The eggs can be removed. Most people put them in an incubator. The gecko either buried the eggs or attached them to the side of the tank, depending on what house geckos do. I don't know what temperature they have to be for incubating but hopefully you'll find that out on the internet and then you'll have to find a place to do that, possibly in an enclosure outside (or on your balcony) since these geckos hatch successfully outside where you live.



New Member

I took the eggs carefully outside two days ago; last night I saw the adult gecko messing with the substrate for some reason, the way she did before she laid the eggs. When she reached the place the eggs used to be at, she stopped for some minutes and then got deeper inside and at the morning I found her crawling just where the eggs were. Could this be a sign she's looking for them ?

I guess she finds that place safe and she might have gone there for the sake of just hiding.

By the way I always thought it was a male telling by the bulge it has between its rear legs.

Thanks :)

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