
ace bomer

geckos rule
Hi, I'm 14 and I'm new to reptiles. I hav a 3 month old Leo that I bought At the end of the school year last year. I really enjoy him and I want to get a creasted gecko. Can someone give me pros and cons of the
, thanks


They were not telling u the truth in my opinion. Crested live in vertical cages at temps below 80°. They need humidity so you have to spray cage at night. They usually dont require a heat source ( depending on the temp of your room.) And they dont need to be fed live insects. You can give them crested gecko food. Ex.: Repashy.


New Member
I personally find crested geckos ugly, so I went with the more colorful and variety of leopard geckos. I think you should pick what you like more, there's not a whole lot of pros and cons of them. They're both good reptiles for first timers, both are fairly easy to take care of, both tolerate handling rather well. The lack of need for live insects is probably the best pro for crested geckos.


Hats Off Exotics
I used to have a crested and I would take a leo over it any day! Not being a crested hater but it just didnt seem like it liked being handled and theyre not very colorful IMO. Sure theyre easier to take care of with not needing live food but its totally different for everyone. And where in pa are you cause I know of no one around me that likes any sort of gecko lol


New Member
I forgot to mention, crested geckos drop their tail very easy, and they don't grow back. Which imo sucks, because you don't have to be touching their tail for them to get spooked and drop their tail.

ace bomer

geckos rule
thx for the info :) i already hav 1 leo and when i turn 15 and get a job ill save up for a crestie :)


New Member
Elizabethville, PA
Eh, cresties are still pretty fun. They're more of a "ooh, look at but don't touch that often" pet. (At least my guys are like that.)

I like the no heat factor, the CGD meals, and lets face it... they stick to freakin' glass! LOL. Granted they do crash around like little monsters at night on occasion. But hey, to each their own.

ace bomer

geckos rule
rotfl!!!! ikr, i was gonna get a crestie if i didnt let those dudes at petsmart sell me on a leo. i like the idea of 3 crested geckos can fit into 1 20gal tall tank. when i get a job ill definatley save up for one.

ace bomer

geckos rule
sounds like a good gecko, i would only have time to handle it a couple times a week so it sounds pretty good


New Member
I know this is an old topic, but it came up by chance while using the search function. My post is to give some homage to crested geckos versus leopard geckos for anyone that might come across this thread as they are trying to decide.

I think crested geckos are much more interesting pets than leopard geckos are, and I guess that's why I have 10 of them versus two leos. They are a lot more active in their cage, and from time to time they make little squeeks and chirps which are always fun to hear. They are a little more maintenance as far as cage cleaning/misting goes, but are easier to feed since you don't need live feeders all the time. It's also nice not to worry about heating the tank.

Eh, cresties are still pretty fun. They're more of a "ooh, look at but don't touch that often" pet. (At least my guys are like that.)
I personally find crested geckos ugly, so I went with the more colorful and variety of leopard geckos.
I used to have a crested and I would take a leo over it any day! Not being a crested hater but it just didnt seem like it liked being handled and theyre not very colorful IMO.

As far as handling goes, it just depends on the animal. I find about half of my crested geckos easier to handle (calmer) than my leos, and the other half somewhat more difficult. None of them though are impossible or annoying to handle. Handling with greater frequency generally makes them more handleable. Spazzy geckos can really calm down with regular interaction. For all the crested geckos, I feel much more comfortable getting up for a minute or two while the geckos are out of their cages - they will mostly just sit there while my leos seem to want to go exploring whenever they get the chance.

As for colors and patterns, I'm not sure why other posters in here mentioned that cresties are ugly or boring looking (which is probably a result of personal experience with a pet-store gecko or lack of knowledge of the crested gecko trade). I would suggest looking at some quality animals from known breeders. Pet-store crested geckos are usually bottom-of-the-barrel in terms of structure and color, but sometimes you can find a rare gem. In my opinion, there is much more variety of patterns and colors available in the crested gecko trade than with leopard geckos. There also aren't any morphs with behavioral or vision problems like there are in the leopard gecko market (i.e. enigmas, albinos).

I forgot to mention, crested geckos drop their tail very easy, and they don't grow back. Which imo sucks, because you don't have to be touching their tail for them to get spooked and drop their tail.

The ease of dropping their tails is very overstated. It is very rare for a crested gecko to get spooked and drop its tail. Most lost tails are from pinches (tail in a cage door, etc) or bites from other geckos when fed/housed together as hatchlings. I touch their tails all the time with no problems - you just don't want to grab them or pull on their tails, but you wouldn't do that with a leopard gecko, either. Don't overlook buying crested geckos without tails - they are just as functional as those without. Plus, the little 'frogbutts' are kinda cute. ;)


I have both. My crested geckos are easier because I don't have to worry about them as much if the power goes out. But you need to be able to have a vet source, reasonable cage, good, nutritious food choices, and you have to want one and be able to take care of them. I figure you are busy with school and stuff I am too because I am even younger than you! Sometimes it is a challenge to feed all and get to bed on time after sports, or late school activities


Wonder Reptiles
I would argue that cresties are 'easier'.
They need to be misted, their bedding is more of a hassle to replace, their tanks are much larger, and if they escape they can climb ANYWHERE.

But with that said, I love them. Theyre adorable, and their skin is so soft.


Please don't use the title "helllpppp" when it's not an emergency. It takes away from the seriousness if you or someone else posts help for something actually urgent.


I <3 Mu Mu!!
I would argue that cresties are 'easier'.
They need to be misted, their bedding is more of a hassle to replace, their tanks are much larger, and if they escape they can climb ANYWHERE.

But with that said, I love them. Theyre adorable, and their skin is so soft.

You can put springtails in the bedding so you rarely have to replace it. Another downside is if your house gets too hot for them.:main_thumbsdown:

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