Hi - Leopard Gecko Owner Here x


New Member

I have one male leopard gecko called Leo (yes I know, not original lol). Reason why I've called him Leo is because I got him for my 30th birthday, which is at the end of July so I am in face a Leo (star sign) - so the name Leo just stuck lol.

Leo is coming up to 4 years old now as is a really stubborn little guy. He seems to go through phases of eating quite a few locusts (sometimes about 6) to not eating any at all, or he'll leave them to wander round his terrarium for the day. But he is a healthy, strong young one, so I know his is eating fine. He's not one for handling (despite all my efforts), but will very occasionally allow me to stroke him on his head. But he's happy in his home and seems to enjoy just watching me every day.

OK - onto my other pets now.

I also have:
1 rescue cat (Winnie)
1 rescue dwarf hamster (Bonnie)
2 corn snakes (Inca and Aztec)
5 tarantulas (of various species) (Truffle, Holly, Chaos II, Ember and Loki)
3 giant african land snails (Birch, Maple and Rowan)

About me:
I currently volunteer and have a small paid job with the Wildlife Trust in my local area. I am currently studying a Level 3 Forest School Leader Course for work. I have also volunteered with the St. John Ambulance since I was young and now run a SJA unit of my own (Biggleswade). I love any type of animal (see my pets list for details as to how crazy I am lol), enjoy reading (fiction on my Kindle - non fiction as an actual book), do a little baking and I've recently taken up drawing (mainly UK birds, but started on drawing a fox recently - need to finish that one).

I currently live with my parents and I am also engaged, but my fiancé doesn't live with me - although he is in my bubble so comes over regularly which is nice. I live with my parents because at the moment my health is a little up and down and they are aware of my condition and how it affects me - I have Reduced Liver Function.

OK - I think I've now said enough - I'm now going to explore this forum.

Take care

Mweekie xx


Staff member
Somerville, MA
Welcome! Great menagerie. I have a lot of geckos (nearly 50) and a bearded dragon as well as 2 cats and a tub of fish that spend the summers outside.



New Member
Welcome! Great menagerie. I have a lot of geckos (nearly 50) and a bearded dragon as well as 2 cats and a tub of fish that spend the summers outside.


Hi Aliza,
Thank you for the welcome
Nearly 50 geckos! Wow! - And I thought I had a lot to care for lol.
Mweekie xx


Staff member
Somerville, MA
When I was breeding leopard geckos, in the summer when most had hatched and few had sold, I was up in the 90's!



Staff member
Southern California
Welcome to the forum! That's quite the menagerie you have there!
Kudos on volunteering. I was actually just considering something like that myself just yesterday. I should read up on it.

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