how to post pics


Evil Playsand User
Albuquerque, NM, USA
some, if not most, internet providers provide free webspace for uploading files or even having a personal page. You might look into your ISP's services to see if they offer web space, how much, and how to access it for uploading. If you go this route you'll need to use either the pre-coded buttons up top or type [ img ]image address (has to be a web address) [ /img ]. There will be no spacing between the img and /img and the bgrackets.

Alternatively, you can use free photo hosts such as flickr, smugmug, etc to upload your photos to. Some free services like that will resize your pics though, which at times can actually lower the original image quality. Others even allow you features for resizing so you're not posting 4288x2848 pixel images that are 12 megs in size (that pixel size and file size are examples and the dimensions my Nikon D300 uses). When resizing, try to keep file size down around 200kb as even though many surfing the web have awesome connections speeds these days you can still have a nice quality image at a small file size. I resize my pics down to 800x531, but I add a border that bring it to 810x600-something.

If you have the ability to resize your own photos, then you can also post pics by clicking on the "manage attachments" button when posting new threads or replies. This will open another window which gives you the option to upload 6 images either from your computer (by clicking browse in the new window) or posting a URL (internet address) that directly links to the image file.

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