Looking to add some new plants


New Member
Hello everyone, I have an african fat tail gecko that ive had for about 7 months now and hes been doing great along with 2 of the plants i got when i first started his tank. His tank is looking very bare as there are only 2 plants in there now and i would like to add some more to make it a little more vibrant. The tank is bioactive with common isopods and mealworms as the 2 main cleanup groups (the mealworms were not on purpose they escaped from his dish and there are so many in there now and they are all thriving so im not worried about it) I would like to get some different plants that would do well in an enclosure that meets AFT gecko perimeters and some plants that dont need a very bright light source if anyone knows of any plants that would fit these requirements it would be greatly appreciated!


Staff member
Somerville, MA
One's an aloe called Haworthia (on the left) and one's a variation of jade plant, I think. If those plants are working out, you could just go to a plant store and get some other (non-spiny) succulents and see how it goes. You could also try an African violet. I have had all these plants in my fat tail enclosures when I kept fat tails and although they didn't die, I have to say that they did a lot better once I removed them.


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