New breeder help!

Hi, I'm new to this forum and require a bit off advice! My leopard gecko has laid six eggs so far; I bought an incubator and set it to 80 degrees Fahrenheit (I read that this produces females) and have plastic containers with moist vermiculite in which the eggs are placed on. (I also keep a small jar of water in there to keep humidity levels at 80%). If anything sounds wrong to you please let me know as I have sourced my information online.

Anyway the first two eggs laid on 10th June (so its day 34)- the one feels quite heavy and plump and candles a nice pinky red, but the other has almost folded in half on itself :( when we candled it its not as pink but there's are definitely red parts to it (looks like blood vessels). It doesn't smell and it isn't mouldy.
Has anyone ever had a problem like this? Should I persevere? It is it deffo infertile?

Also some of the other eggs have slight dents in them- is this an issue? I've read putting small bits of sphagnum moss on them can rehydrate the eggs but its not done anything.

Sasha x


New Member
Make sure the container you have the eggs in gets around 80% humidity. Humidity helps plump the eggs back up from dents. Although if you have one that has folded in half, it's likely bad or infertile. If it hasn't molded yet or doesn't smell bad, it won't hurt to keep incubating to see. But I've seen dented eggs do fine before, not one that's folded in half.

You also might want to raise the temperature to 81-82 degrees, those are also the zones for temp sexed females. At 80 you are dangerously close to the kill zone, which is under 78. So if your incubator temperature fluctuates, you could be swinging too low for the eggs to survive.
Make sure the container you have the eggs in gets around 80% humidity. Humidity helps plump the eggs back up from dents. Although if you have one that has folded in half, it's likely bad or infertile. If it hasn't molded yet or doesn't smell bad, it won't hurt to keep incubating to see. But I've seen dented eggs do fine before, not one that's folded in half.

You also might want to raise the temperature to 81-82 degrees, those are also the zones for temp sexed females. At 80 you are dangerously close to the kill zone, which is under 78. So if your incubator temperature fluctuates, you could be swinging too low for the eggs to survive.

Hi thank you for your reply. How would I ensure that particular container has 80% humidity? As I have a fan assisted incubator with a humidity level dial which says its at 80%; how would I measure said container?
i really appreciate your advice as the Internet websites have varying advice! Also if the egg did smell would I be able to smell it was 'off' without holding it to my nose?
Many thanks!


New Member
I'm not sure what container you are using, but if the humidity inside the incubator is at 80% then you should be fine. As for the smell, it's a very distinct rotten egg smell, you won't miss it. You won't have to be up close to smell it, it should reek of the smell as you open the container.


Ridgewood, NJ
I use containers that are sealed. Absolutely no air holes at all. I mix perlite at a 1: .8 ratio of water by weight and add a bit more from time to time when the eggs start to feel a bit dry (kind of an imprecise method but its worked for me so far!) I also open the containers about once a week to let some fresh air in. I don't keep any water in the incubator since my containers are sealed but I don't think adding some would hurt - it may even help stabilize the temperature. If you use Geos or SIMs you don't have to worry about humidity much at all.

I also agree with raising the temperature a couple of degrees and, if you're not already, using a thermometer inside the incubator to make sure your temperatures are precise with two sources.
Just an update on the folded egg- I found mould on it this evening :( I'm guessing that means its definetly infertile then? If it is how do I correctly dispose of an egg? :(

Leopard Gecko Breeder
Falling Waters, WV
How old is the female; if she is young then the egg may have been no good anyways. This happens now if she is on her second breeding season then there could be other problems. I would leave the egg alone and let it go sometimes they hatch. (note this can also make the geckos come out deformed such as their spine so this all depends on the egg.)


New Member
Southern California
If the egg is folded in on itself and just about completely deflated AND has mold growing on it, I'm sure it's time to toss. Glad to know the other egg is still doing well, though.

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