one eye closed at times


New Member
i have a little question.
my geckos are new, and i noticed one of them, the little albino, has her right eye closed a lot of the time.
not all the time, but noticeably
the eye itself can and has been opened, and looks normal (no redness, no wetness, no gunk, swelling or anything that would strike me as off)
is this something i need to take to the vet?
or is this something some geckos simply do (maybe light sensitivity?)

About your leo
- Sex: female
- Age & Weight: 8-9 months, i haven't weighted her yet, since i've only had her for a week and don't have a sensitive enough scale yet
- How long have you owned your leo: a week
- Where was he/she obtained: off a local ad, from a private person that couldn't keep them any longer. i was told they were originally bought from a breeder, but i don't have any details.

A) Health/History
- How often do you handle your leo: i am currently trying to handle each of them for 15-20 minutes a day to get them used to me (two of them, including the albino with the eye question, are taking it well, mostly hanging out under my shirt on my shoulder (or crawling onto my bossom to warm up) and sitting there quietly. they both don't try to run or fight when i scoop them up, the third is still shy and doesn't tolerate touching as much
- Is your leo acting any different today? If so how does he/she normally act which differs from now: i can't really tell yet
- Has he/she had any problems in the past, if so please describe: none that i know of.
B) Fecals
- Describe (look any different than normal): found only normal-looking poops
- When was the last time he/she went: there are three ladies in the tank, so i can't really say
C) Problem
- Please briefly describe the problem and how long it has been going on: see above

A) Enclosure
- Size: 110x40x50cm (with climbing things inside)
- Type (ex. glass tank): wooden with glass doors
- Type of substrate: i forgot the name, that clay sand that's not loose. i bought the geckos plus the tank and will switch to lino tiles as soon as they arrive (i know of the issues with sand, and don't want to risk anything, but i didn't have the money to get everything at once)
- Hides, how many, what kind: 1 bigger wet/cool hide on a box with moist earth, in which they all often sit together, 1 "medium" warm hide from exoterra (it's a small mountain with several exits), a cork round next to it, one large rock beneath the heating spot, with three "tunnels", a small exoterra cave near the spot and one heating stone. they also like to squeeze into a gap behind their wetbox,
B) Heating
- Heat source: a heating lamp above and a heating stone which stays on at night
- Cage temps (hot side, cool side): warm side: about 30°C, cold side (i don't yet have a second thermometer, but it's about room temp, which is around 18-22°C
- Method of regulating heat source: at the moment, the heating stone is on 24/7, the lamp is switched off manually at night, until i get a timer
- What are you using to measure your temps: don't know what they're called, they come in a set, thermo- and hygrometer, little round ones to stick on the wall :b
- Do you have any lights (describe): heat lamp (which i'll switch out with a ceramic bulb soon) and normal overhead room lights (but they have a wooden roof, so room lights only indirectly light up the tank.
C) Cage mates
- How many (males, females): three females total, they were kept together since they hatched (hatched in the same month)
- Describe health, or previous problems: no issues that i know of

Describe Diet:
A) Typical diet
- What you're feeding (how often, how much): they haven't eaten yet. (there are mealworms in their tank, and a dish of repti calcium, which SEEMS to have been touched at least (but i can't say if they ate it or just walked into it) they do drink from both their water dishes, which are refilled daily
- How are you feeding (hand fed, left in dish, ect): planning to hand feed, but currently just leaving them mealworms in a dish until they're settled in
B) Supplements (describe how often)
- What vitamin/minerals are you using (list brands): right now just a dish of repti calcium, but i have vitamins and calc/d3 powders ready for when they start eating
- What are you gut loading food with: pieces of fruit and veggies from when i cook (raw of course), gave the mealworms a grape and a slice of zucchini before putting them in yesterday


Ridgewood, NJ
My albinos, especially the Trempers are quite light sensitive. They tend to close the eye that is closest to the light or both eyes when under bright lights. Unless you see something wrong with the eye I don't think I would rush to the vet.

I don't use or recommend over tank heating with leos as it tends to overheat and dry out their environment. Unless your house is under 65 degrees they do best with air temps 65-80 with a warm 90 degree spot on the floor they can lie on.


New Member
thank you for your answer! :)

my house heating right now is a problem. i have a temp in my room at about 18-20°C max, which is too low for them, i think.
(i'm trying to get my landlord to fix it, but it seems to be an obnoxious issue that keeps coming back and they can't find the problem yet)

but yes, i am trying my best to optimate things for my little geckos asap :)

and yeah, the eye looks normal when it's open. it looks exactly like the other one, which is open most of the time, so i am not worried
she also seems to be about to shed, so maybe something about it was bothering her eye?
i'll watch her closely to make sure she's okay otherwise :)

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