Regurgitated/whole passed worms


New Member
Northern California
I have some concerns about my gecko, Kesh. I went to check on him to find he had regurgitated (or possibly actually passed) two superworms, which he has never done before. He seems fine and is as active as usual, but I am still incredibly worried about him.

Here are some pictures of the regurgitated worms;
IMG_2193.jpg IMG_2197.JPG IMG_2201.JPG

The only thing I can figure is he either ate too fast or his warm spot wasn't warm enough (it was a bit low, 87 instead of the normal 92-95). If you have any insight on this, or any suggestions on what I should do, both are more than welcome.


Michigan, USA
Same thing had been happening to my gecko, Luna. She also had real strange feces, like yours seems to. I took her to the vet yesterday and her fecal showed pinworm eggs. Pinworms are really common in leos. If not yours doesn't have pinworms then it's probably another parasite. You can take him to the vet to have him checked out, but I hear Reptiaid clears up parasites, including pinworms and might save you some money. My bill was tragic. Good luck and hope he gets better!


New Member
Northern California
I have reason to believe that weird looking stuff is not feces, just part of what Kesh threw up. He has pooped since this happened and it is normal looking and everything. He has also eaten two superworms since this happened, and I have reason to believe he just ate the ones he threw up too quickly. I'll keep an eye on him though of course.

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