Releasing my gecko


New Member
Tempe AZ
Hello all. My daughter caught a house gecko about 5-6 months ago here in Tempe, Arizona. We have a pretty decent setup for him now and he has always had a good appetite for crickets. Well, over time my daughter has completely lost interest in him, and now she and my wife are urging me to let him go (so she can get a different pet). The truth is that "Geckie" hides out in the day and only comes out around 11 PM, so he's not very interesting to her. That being said, I have a lot of affection for the little guy! It makes me sad to think about letting him go. My question is if he would be able to survive on his own, or if the time in captivity would have compromised his abilities.

Embrace Calamity

New Member
I'm no expert, but I can't imagine it would be a problem. The invasive status of red-eared sliders, Burmese pythons, and many species of geckos proves that even captive bred reptiles can not only survive but thrive out in the wild if the conditions are right. They're not readily domesticated and then 'corrupted' like some other animals. Not that I'd advocate releasing captive bred reptiles, but yours is a wild gecko.

There's always a concern about captive animals transferring an illness to wild ones, but, again, I think that isn't likely an issue here with yours being wild and only in captivity a few months (and I assume not having come into contact with other geckos or showing any signs of illness). But, again, not an expert, so I won't say yes or no. I'm simply pointing out that it likely would survive just fine.



Staff member
Somerville, MA
If you decide to release it, I would recommend releasing it as close as you can to where you caught it, if possible (when I turned a baby squirrel in to the Wildlife Center, they asked where it had been found so they could return it to where it had been taken from).



New Member
Tempe AZ
Thanks for the replies. The expert from the local herpetological society said he should be fine. We moved from the house where he was caught, but friends with the new owners.

So... it's good to know he could make it, but at this point I'm not sure I will!

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