Reverse Strip Bell Het Radar to SHCTB no hets?


New Member
north carolina
Hi guys!!!
So I tried to search this before I asked it, online itself and also on this forum search and I cannot find much information. Not to mention the genetic calculators online confuse me and I dont see anything about radars or much about bells. I just won a contest for a beautiful reverse strip bell het radar female. I have felt comfortable only working with hets of tremper, and never thought I would end up with a bell. When I realized I won my excitement went to a little bit of worry. I do NOT want to mix albino genes but I also don't want to breed her in the future to something if the genetic cross won't be something worthy of a project.

I have a shctb male that has no hets, if I bred him to this reverse stripe, should I just expect normal wild type geckos het for bell and or radar? I am not sure how it works. Any info would be greatly appreciated!!!


Staff member
Somerville, MA
Instead of saying "Bell het radar" it may be more useful to say "Bell het eclipse" since a Radar is a Bell eclipse. Pairing this gecko to a SHTCT will get you:

all offspring het for Bell
all offspring 50% chance of being het for eclipse
offspring with a range of spotting from lots to none, range of tangerine from lots to none
many offspring with pattern on the stripe continuum: aberrant, jungle, stripe, reverse stripe, patternless stripe.



New Member
north carolina
thanks Aliza, i will try to train my brain to say and type that, I won this female and had no intentions of breeding another albino strain but when i won her there was no way she wasn't coming into my breeding group somehow just no mixing of bell and tremper of course! Thank you for the information on the first generation!!!! Really helpful!

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