Urgent gravid gecko losing weight


New Member
Long Island
This is my first time breeding leopard geckos I did all the research and my geckos were at the right size and age. Female was 65 grams and a year old it's almost been a month since I seen them lock and I'm pretty sure she is gonna lay any day now. My concern is now she is losing weight about 5 grams in a Matter of a few days and I can tell her tail is getting a bit skinnier and her calcium pockets disappeared. Is her losing weight normal for a gecko that's about to lay eggs? Thanks in advance for the help!

Neon Aurora

New Member
New Mexico
Making eggs is pretty costly, so yes, you should expect some weight-loss while she's gravid. As soon as she lays her eggs, she should start eating ravenously. You can combat weight loss by feeding her as much as she will eat between clutches and giving her waxworms. Make sure all the feeders are dusted properly, as making eggs is also very costly for calcium, too.

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