Zoo Med UTH instructions say not to use paper towels as flooring? Other questions.


New Member
Maryland, USA
I got a Zoo Med heat mat for our 30x12x12 tank. Iit was recommended to me that I get the Medium size, which says its for 10-20 gallon tanks, but it seems so small once I took it out of the package. Is this actually the size I needed? Anyway, I read the instructions and it says to NOT use paper towel as flooring with a heat mat. I had read here that paper towel was what I wanted to use with a heat mat, so which is right? It sounds like the concern is that the leo might get burns! Definitely don't want to burn our little guy.

I also got a thermostat (Hydrofarm Digital heat mat thermostat) that was recommended here. I'm wondering where I'm supposed to put the temperature probe? Do I run it into the tank and onto the floor, and if so doesn't that mean I'd need to leave the cover open a bit? Is that OK? Do I put put it at the edge and against the floor?


New Member
If you purchased the medium size, it should actually say on the label it's for 30-40 gal. That's the one that measures 8x12, which is ideal for a 30x12x12 tank. I think you actually got the small, which I would recommend returning and getting the medium one.

Paper towels are perfectly fine as substrate inside the tank. Ideal substrates for leopard geckos are paper towels or slate/ceramic tiles.

The thermostat probe should go inside, and it should be secured laying flat on the substrate surface. You can tape it down or use a hide to hold it down. Then you would set the thermostat to the temperature you want it to be (90-95 degrees being ideal for leopard geckos).


New Member
Maryland, USA
I'll return it and get the next size up. Thanks.

How do I run the cable into the tank? There is no opening in the cover of our tank. Do leave it cracked open? The probe cable is kind of thick.


New Member
Depends on how your tank is built/setup, you do have to find a way to run the probe in. Some will cut a hole on the lid/cover, some will just leave a corner open. If you have animals like cats then you don't want to leave the cover open at all. They are great at finding a way to open the lid if they see an opening. Otherwise if you don't have cats, then just make sure you don't have anything tall or anything the gecko can climb on that could allow it to reach that corner, then you can just leave a corner open to run the probe in.


New Member
Maryland, USA
I not sure what you mean by leave a corner open. The cover slides out, so I'd have to leave an opening the length of the cover. Is that ok? We don't have any other pets.


New Member
Maryland, USA
And actually in looking at the top just now, if I slide it just a little out there are a couple small rectangular gaps about 1/3 in from either end. So I think I can run it through one of those and not have a gap all the way along the edge.

Can I place the probe to one side of the warm hide or would I need it to be in the middle (which I can't imagine our gecko would appreciate)? Also, what if he were to lay on top of it? I'm not sure he'd do that, but figure I'd ask.


New Member
I was gonna say if you got one of those tanks I think you bought, there would be gaps you could run the probe through without having to totally open the lid.

The probe can be anywhere on the warm side, doesn't have to be in the middle of the pad. If a gecko lays on the probe? Most likely will skew the readings a bit heh. But I don't think it'd be very comfortable to lay on it. But you want to avoid putting the probe where the gecko can mess with it, so secure it somewhere on a warm spot.


New Member
Maryland, USA
Another question - what direction do I put the UTH? Do you put the long side running front to back (so covering the full 12" front to back) of the tank, or down the width of the tank?


New Member
Maryland, USA
Ok, great. Thanks so much for your help! I've got the replacement UTH, but am not going to have a chance to hook it all up until Thursday. We'll keep using the heat lamps in the mean time.

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