Micro Geckos/tripoli geckos help please


New Member
So I've been getting 3 of these tiny geckos. Now I'll be honest I did get them on impulse yesterday and hadn't done any research myself but the pet shop I got them from said just keep them like a leopard gecko except in a much smaller tank and i new i had everything that a Leo needs so i wasnt worried just had to get some fruit flies and bean weevils.
But now I've done research, ive realised most keepers keep them hotter than Leo's with a good basking spot. But question is can anyone give me any extra advise on what these little guys need to help them thrive rather than just survive.
Others questions
should they get uvb?
What humidty should they be at?
also if I post pics of them would any body be able to narrow down the species and maybe even the genders as 1 seems quite different to the other 2 and I'm not putting alot of faith in what the pet shop has told be about them.
Basically I'm asking for a full care sheet.
Thanks in advance for any help given.


Staff member
Somerville, MA
Check out Wally Kern of Supreme Gecko (supremegecko.com and also on facebook). What kind of enclosure are you keeping them in? I ask because I also keep very small geckos (Sphaerodactylus and Gonatodes) and the Exo-terras I keep them in needed much more sealing off of tiny openings than I realized: I lost a good number due to escapes.



New Member
Check out Wally Kern of Supreme Gecko (supremegecko.com and also on facebook). What kind of enclosure are you keeping them in? I ask because I also keep very small geckos (Sphaerodactylus and Gonatodes) and the Exo-terras I keep them in needed much more sealing off of tiny openings than I realized: I lost a good number due to escapes.


Thanks Aliza and they're in a plastic faurnarium at the moment but I was planning on moving them to an exo terra. Any chance you can let me know how you sealed yours please and which bits.


Staff member
Somerville, MA
Here's how to seal the extoterra:
--get clear packing tape. Put layers of it between each door and the side it buts up against to make that gap smaller
--For the next part I use Nashua tape (like aluminum foil with adhesive) but you can also use clear packing tape: Go around the top of the cage and tape from the outside edge to where the screen starts. That's where my geckos were escaping from. Even though yours are supposed to be terrestrial, it's pretty amazing what terrestrial geckos can get up to!
--Obviously, be sure that the sliding thing at the top back is closed (it can be opened to allow wires to go down there)

That should work. I really love tiny geckos!



New Member
Here's how to seal the extoterra:
--get clear packing tape. Put layers of it between each door and the side it buts up against to make that gap smaller
--For the next part I use Nashua tape (like aluminum foil with adhesive) but you can also use clear packing tape: Go around the top of the cage and tape from the outside edge to where the screen starts. That's where my geckos were escaping from. Even though yours are supposed to be terrestrial, it's pretty amazing what terrestrial geckos can get up to!
--Obviously, be sure that the sliding thing at the top back is closed (it can be opened to allow wires to go down there)

That should work. I really love tiny geckos!

Thanks so much I'll get on that probably at the weekend. Then move the little guys in on monday.

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