New and have some questions!

Dog Shrink

Lost in the Lizard World
Porr thing. Absolutely practice the best husbandry you can until you know for sure if they have parasites. Just holding them, they could leave parasite cysts or eggs on your skin and you could pass them to your other leos. Does your mom have access to a good microscope? Often it is very hard to see eggs in the poo with out the proper slide dye, and a really good microscope. Maybe you could take some poo to your vet for a fecal exam insted of having to bring in the whole animal which could be very stressful for them right now.


New Member
Dayton, Ohio
She works in the lab at a hospital. So I think she does that kind of stuff for humans. I'd hope they'd have a good microscope = p

Dog Shrink

Lost in the Lizard World
Yeah no doubt if she works in a hospital I'd hope they'd have a good one too :) hospitals test people for parasites so I'm pretty sure they'd know the proper protocol for the slide dyes etc. Let us know how it turns out.


New Member
Dayton, Ohio
Just an update.. My mom couldn't figure out anything and I decided paying up towards $100 for one examination and fecal test/medication was too high.

I tried feeding them separately but they are very uncomfortable outside of their tank.

The female is looking dramatically better! She has really plumped up and her tail is getting some girth to it also! It doesn't look fat but it doesn't look shriveled any more. She has become a very aggressive eater, even takes mealworms from my fingers! She had a shed that went very well I believe, all the extra skin from her last shed was removed and she looks beautiful.

The male also shed but he isn't growing as dramatically as she is. His shed went very well. I feel like the female kind of bullies him when they are feeding so I make sure to encourage her away from him when they are eating so I can feed him separately.

They also have mealworms available to them at all times from a dish in their tank.

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