How to make a CHEAP double level for leopard geckos in a 20 galllon tank.


New Member
What you will need:
1 20-gallon tank
VERY STURDY box (has to fit in tank)
all the stuff for your leo

This may seem risky, but it all depend on your choices. You will need a VERY sturdy box, so you can have hides/waterbowls/geckos/anythingelse on it. Measure/cut the box in any way you have to so it will fit (preferably with a viewing opening). Place the box in and figure out where you want the opening for your leo(s) to go in. Cut the hole and take the box out (remember where the hole was). You now need to make a rock wall. Simple: line them up with the hole (you should have the rock wall leaning against the side of the box, to make it sturdier) and stack the rocks to the top of the hole (or a little lower) to where they don't rock or wiggle. Put in the box and vioala! A double level tank. Please make sure the wall and box are STURDY! Add a few hides on the bottom and on the top, the top should be where the food/water/calcium is.

Have fun, your leo will too! I promise with the right box and rock wall you will have great success and no accidents!

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