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  • Josh
    Hello. I am 99% sure I am going to inherit a pair of Crested Gecko girls very soon, they are in a shared viv and I intend to buy a viv...
  • acpart
    Welcome! I've kept cresties and gargoyles together in small groups for a long time and it's generally worked out well. That's a good...
  • M
    mav reacted to acpart's post in the thread Ways to exercise a lazy, overweight crestie? with Like Like.
    I imagine you're feeding her CGD? What would happen if you put small amounts of CGD in different places so she has to range all over the...
  • M
    Hello. I am 99% sure I am going to inherit a pair of Crested Gecko girls very soon, they are in a shared viv and I intend to buy a viv...
  • H
    Heckolove reacted to lizardlover:) 1519's post in the thread how's life? with Like Like.
    Hi, been working at a herpetarium at my college :) I brought all 4 of my reptiles with me to live there as well, including my little...
  • L
    lizardlover:) 1519 replied to the thread how's life?.
    Hi, been working at a herpetarium at my college :) I brought all 4 of my reptiles with me to live there as well, including my little...
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  • M
    MalcolmContreras replied to the thread Vacation.
    I’ve had a similar situation with my gecko not wanting to eat unless it’s moving. When I left for a few days, I tried leaving mealworms...
  • Griffonow
    Griffonow replied to the thread Vacation.
    How did your gecko survive during your weekend? I'm going on a very short family holiday, and I can't take my gecko with me. So, I don't...
  • H
    Herpin Man replied to the thread scared to touch my gecko.
    Chase it into an appropriate sized cup.
  • M
    mtnsurfr replied to the thread how's life?.
    Great. Just discovered one of my leopard geckos is a boy, not a girl so I'm going to try incubating eggs again.
  • H
    Heckolove replied to the thread how's life?.
    Thanks. Yes she’s a crestie. This is the box. So this should be OK for a whole week like this? Hoping going to be big enough. If not...
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  • acpart
    acpart replied to the thread how's life?.
    Is it a crested gecko? If so, just put some kind of branch in there so she can climb horizontally. Aliza
  • H
    Heckolove replied to the thread how's life?.
    So We’re going away next month for 8 days and tricky to find someone who lives close enough to feed and most Geckster. Would she be OK...
  • H
    Heckolove reacted to Josh's post in the thread how's life? with Like Like.
    Gekster! Surprising us all! @Heckolove lol
  • Josh
    Josh replied to the thread how's life?.
    Gekster! Surprising us all! @Heckolove lol