Recent content by A&S Reptiles

  1. A&S Reptiles

    Male Raptor

    I have a proven breeder male raptor with solid red eyes. He's truly a gorgeous guy and weighs over 80 grams I believe. I'm only selling him because my females are done for the season. I'm asking $150 plus shipping. Please no trades. Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk
  2. A&S Reptiles

    My only crested for now

    Here's my butthead of a male crested! Named Midori, we thought he was a she for awhile haha we got him at 13-14 grams and he's now 22 grams! I think he's a flame, but what do I know :p Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk
  3. A&S Reptiles

    Rainwater female

    I've been on the lookout for breeders producing rainwater stuff this season. I'm looking for mainly typhoons, no hets. I love firewaters but I won't be that picky. If you'll be producing anything like this please message me or comment here with your business name/website link so we can get in...