Recent content by Friedbread

  1. Friedbread

    What size tank heater should I use!?

    Generally the rule of thumb is 5 watts per gallon. So 29 gallon tank would be 145 watts. You should be able to find a 150 watt heater. This is just a simple rule though, make sure you take into consideration how warm the room is already. If it's very cold, you may need a slightly stronger one...
  2. Friedbread

    please help with my corydoras catfish and applesnails

    Was the aquarium recently set up? If it wasn't cycled properly the fish may be suffering from new tank syndrome... basically not enough good bacteria developed and way too much ammonia.
  3. Friedbread


    We had two weeks off for winter break and went back to school on Tuesday. Then the windchill went to -30 and we've had the rest of the week off. It's like break got extended another week and Tuesday was just a quick day to say hi to everyone. lol
  4. Friedbread

    Maybe I will have a new year's resolution...

    To never buy another animal from Pet** or Pet*****. Maybe not even supplies for that matter. It may not be the petstores that are doing such horrible things to animals, but by purchasing animals from such places, they are directly...
  5. Friedbread

    Very hungry leopard gecko?

    It didn't explain why there was a centipede that could harm the gecko in with it in the first place. o.O That's amazing that it managed to get the whole thing out in one piece though.
  6. Friedbread

    My Rescues

    I think you've done a fantastic job! It's so great to see that animals in bad situations are getting a chance because of people like you. :)
  7. Friedbread

    Who Didn't Celebrate Christmas?

    Half my family is Jewish, although I don't identify entirely with any religion. It gets old having to tell people my birthday is December 26th and then explain that, "No, I don't get double presents for Christmas."
  8. Friedbread

    New members with hundreds of posts

    I agree. There IS a search function. But I must admit, sometimes the search function is a little difficult to use and doesn't always find what you're looking for even when it's out there. There's always the alternative... *cough cough* Google *cough*. :main_rolleyes: The one word posts are...
  9. Friedbread

    what type of loach is it

    They're tropical fish. Almost no tropical community tank is complete without a few cory cats. They're great fish. ^^
  10. Friedbread

    any ideas of nice fish for my unheated tank

    Neon tetras are not coldwater fish. Some species of sunfish are coldwater, but they aren't usually available in the aquarium trade. Other species that do ok in the 60-70 degree range are white cloud mountain minnows. They are awesome fish! Tiny, but pretty and active. :) It needs to be...
  11. Friedbread

    goldfish + betta ... is it a bad idea

    Bettas and goldies are not a great mix. For one, bettas prefer warmer waters than goldfish. Goldfish may also be too active for the usually slow-swimming betta. I don't see why you would want to keep these species together truthfully. They do not naturally exist in the same environments and...
  12. Friedbread

    what type of loach is it

    It may have actually been a type of cyprinid referred to as a "shark." Possibly the albino form of the rainbow shark. Did it have red fins? Also far-fetched, but it might have been an albino cory catfish. Google image for those and see if they look similar. I can't think of any loaches with...
  13. Friedbread

    ideas for a 10 gal freshwater?

    Otos are SO cute! ^^ They don't seem to do very well in captivity though. :/
  14. Friedbread

    ideas for a 10 gal freshwater?

    For an lively tank with a lot of activity, I would recommend a moderately sized group of your choice of danios (excluding giants). They are available in a variety of patterns, colors, and there are even long-finned varieties. For a more peaceful tank, you could go with a small tetra species...
  15. Friedbread

    My rosy boas (autumn theme pics)

    Wow! They're all stunning! I did not know rosy boas could look like that!