Recent content by Geckobredder34

  1. G


  2. G


    At 88.6 Thanks
  3. G


    The eggs are about forty four days old.
  4. G


    Hi so I had just about given up when last night I candled and thought I saw movement in the egg. Today I confirmed that When I candle I see a shadow move around the egg but it doesn’t have a shape of anything there is a lot of red so it is hard I tell but there is definitely movement does that...
  5. G


    So do you thinks it’s worth a shot leaving those eggs in
  6. G


    Ok thanks
  7. G


    Hi so I have two questions first is my incubator has fluctuated the past day between about 2.5 degrees second is does anyone else have trouble incubating it is my first time breeding and has been my dream since I was little I left my eggs in the incubator at 88.5 to 89.5 through the whole...
  8. G


    Hi so my gecko keeps laying fertile eggs I know they are fertile because i candle at the beginning see the ring and put them away then I always candle after two weeks to make sure development is continuing before locking them up for the rest of incubation every single egg she lays at the second...
  9. G

    Gecko eggs not hatching

    Ok thanks
  10. G

    Gecko eggs not hatching

    They are 12 days
  11. G

    Gecko eggs not hatching

    Here that are
  12. G

    Gecko eggs not hatching

    I don’t really see many veins just red glow.
  13. G

    Gecko eggs not hatching

    Ok I candled just now and saw just a little red formation in the egg it wasn’t a circle it was kind of a jumble I only wanted to candle them once this is the first time do you think that it’s good I’ll show a picture.
  14. G

    Gecko eggs not hatching

    Hi so I have some gecko eggs incubating and two clutches have seemed to develop a little than stop temperatures nad humidity are good does anyone have any answers.