Recent content by Jena Gray

  1. J

    New here! Here are my "babies"

    Lol Thanks for the welcome'!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. J

    New here! Here are my "babies"

    Thank you! Glad to be here with people who know about these great little lizards Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. J


    My leopard gecko Max eats any bugs I put in front of him. Like crickets, mealworms, roaches, dried mealworms, Waxworms on occasion. But Sam our little one will only really eat crickets and am occasional Roach. Is that still OK? He will eat mealworms out my sons hand but not if they are in...
  4. J

    Is it OK?

    I noticed that Sam my younger leopard gecko baby will only really eat crickets and roaches. He will play with the mealworms but really will only way the crickets and roaches I give him. The roaches I give him are really little dubia roaches. I heard they are OK for them. Sam is only a few...
  5. J

    New here! Here are my "babies"

    I'm fairly new here. My name is Jena and I live in Delaware. I currently have two leopard gecko babies who I've named Max and Sam. Max is fairly older than Sam. Sam is only a few weeks old. They mean the absolute world to me and my son.
  6. J

    If you gut load

    If you gut load do you still have to dust the prey? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. J

    Possible morph

    Idk if this is allowed. But I was curious to what morph my baby Max might be. Here's a current pic. I've noticed his tail is getting thicker orange bands on it. And his body is turning this orangish yellow with little spots on his back If it's not allowed im sorry ahead of time Sent from...
  8. J

    Is Age and size for for them?

    Here is Max and Sam. They are our baby leopard geckos. We have had Max for about a month or so and Sam we got this past weekend. They mean everything to me and my son. I was wondering if they look normal and healthy too y'all. Can you guess their ages? Max is the larger one and Sam is...