Recent content by Krystal10

  1. K

    Comment by 'Krystal10' in media 'IMG_1898.JPG'

    Hi good white, hi hope yellow, and hi brown
  2. K

    New to arboreal gecko’s

    I didn't feed crickets to my crested gecko. I did not use baby food. Just their food. Pangea. Look on Amazon.
  3. K

    New to arboreal gecko’s

    you probably could use Pangea and any water.
  4. Screenshot_20230526-050913.png


    Was my pet
  5. K


    Great and yea no insects.
  6. K

    Male and female diablo blanco red yes

    Can I see pictures.
  7. K

    I wanna get a gecko but I need help

    Yea your going have to understand everything he needs.
  8. K

    2$nd enclosure

    hehe lol j
  9. K

    Baby Harlequin Flame cresties

    haha you're crested gecko
  10. K

    2$nd enclosure

    what's the best second enclosure for a crested gecko?
  11. K

    Sanitizing Sticks

    nothing wrong with cleaning